The nature and dynamic of the relationship of soul to body, as the soul enters at conception/birth and departs the body in death. The embodied divine nature of the being experiencing life in the body, as human. The capacity of embodiment defining the parameters of human cellular experience. The origin and nature of the soul consciousness embodying into the body at birth. Consciousness embodies into and informs cellular form, functioning, and experience. Transforming embodiment redefines the human bio-form potential. 

Embodiment, as a process, can be seen as the inverse to forms of meditation which take you out of your body to experience spiritual realms, free of the physical; Embodiment brings you into your body to experience universal spiritual realities within your physical cellular form. Leaving the body is often perceived as spiritual freedom, to dis-embody, leave the shackles of the material world, the limitations of the flesh, the world of matter embodying and entrapping a soul. To embody the soul fully into the elemental matter of form is to create informed cellular realities of human freedom and potential beyond the inherent duality of spirit and matter.

Embodiment has architecture and physics - how the soul engages the body. It is informed at an incarnational level through a blueprint, or template, that gives instruction to the building of the spiritual anatomy, the architecture, for the body that houses the soul, the structure that supports the soul to reside in cellular form.

These architectural plans are governed by universal laws, incarnational imprints and holding patterns, that over aeons of time have limited the design, the morpho-genetic field information that dimensionally structures form as we know it. The human genome. The creational codes and geometries, the matrix structures that hold consciousness in a limited capacity of embodiment. Where body is a templated cellular structure fallen far from its original design, constructed to hold only a small fragmented aspect of soul consciousness, individuated and separated from Source.

The process of embodying higher soul aspects into the cellular molecular elemental structures, re-informs the base code of the body to hold a greater capacity of the soul, effectively shifting the dynamic of the soul-body equation and physics. Embodiment. Embodiment itself re-informs the capacity for embodiment, elevating the architectural structural integrity for a soul to engage a body in greater coherency and integrity of form. Integrity begets integrity. Embodiment creates embodiment potentials that are creational. Embodiment is freedom, at cellular levels of human form that inform universal realities. 


The vast majority of humanity are by definition mostly dis-embodied, meaning they exist only the minimum embodiment of soul to incarnate as living flesh, the minimum engagement to beat the heart and exist the fundamental life-giving bio-electrical circuitries and cellular function. The minimum engagement of consciousness, without which the body would be entirely corporeal, cellularly mechanical, void of spirit. This can be understood as the nth degree of spirit-matter split, and holds the 4th dimensional existence, in the re-incarnational cycle, the birth of spirit into body and return to spirit. The denaturing and degeneration of the body is a ‘normal’ life process of loss and decay of a fundamentally dis-embodied body, that housed only a small fraction of the soul. From any energetic view, this can be seen like the cartoon image of a balloon floating above the body, the higher self looking down from its dimensional observation point, to the body it is only in tenuous cellular relationship with. Through energy work it is possible to draw the soul down through the midline hara into the energetic centres of the body, specifically engaging into the soul-seat above the heart, and the tan tien, below the belly button, anchoring the will to be in the body, to exist the soul purpose, and grounding the individual embodiment circuitry by plugging the base of the hara into the earth. After facilitating countless sessions, it is clear to see the dis-embodied experience of the body, contrasted to the same individual experiencing themselves embodied, literally ‘in their body’.

The dis-embodied body is existing in a clear split, or duality of spirit and matter. And as we embody more and more of who we are, we begin exisiting our unique soul identity in cellular form, ‘embodying’ our essential reason for coming into this lifetime, our purpose of incarnation as human. And we can pick from a plethora of coaches all keen to help us ‘embody our soul purpose’. 

In understanding embodiment, the key point of note, is the gap. The gap where the soul does not fully inhabit the cellular body, that allows for other infiltrative and potentially messy/manipulative misuse of the body. If you are not engaging, or taking up full residence in your body, what does this leave space for? What other dis-embodied entities can catch a free ride, or more sinister mis-use of your body. What is informing and directing your cells if it is not you? 

The split or gap of spirit-matter that holds a dis-embodied territory is open to be informed and often bombarded by a vast array of wavelength information, including many chaotic and disruptive wavelengths to maintain the separation of soul and body, dis-integrous and denaturing of cellular vitality, harnessing the life-giving forces of your body. The entropy that holds the soul in timeline architecture of ‘the fall’ and ‘inevitable destruction’ entrapped into re-incarnational cycles effectively holds reign in a body mostly void of spirit. 


The split of spirit-matter defines our existence in an individuated embodiment, linear, separate, membraned and informed primarily by the nature/nurture of our Psychology text books.., i.e. genetics and environment. Here our personality exists and our identity engages either as the soul that does not know how to exist in a body or the body that does not know itself as having a soul. The dualism is inherent in our nature. We study our psychology of behaviour sans the soul, we are cognitive-behavioural beings, shaped by lineage and circumstance.. nowhere are we a soul that is experiencing the nature/nurture of this human life. In truth, it is our embodiment - how our unique soul engages into our body that determines how we process and translate all consciousness/ incoming information and what informs the cell at bio-form function levels of existence. It is the begin point to understand how and why and who we are in the world.

In a linear embodiment architecture all inform to the cell is linear, ie from a separate external input. All bio-chemical, bio-electrical stimulus inform to the cell, is a here-to-there process, across the cell membrane, and all incoming waveletgth inform to the body translates through the membrane of the auric field/ boundary of separate form. To embody higher dimensional soul aspects, we shift in our capacity to process and embody consciousness, translating wavelength information coming in through light body/ energy body layers, into the chakra and endocrine system of the physical body. It is an ‘out there’ to ‘in here’ process and also an ‘up there’ to ‘down here’ process, anchoring Source down through the midline architecture of the body, into the earth. From this body, what is perceived and experienced in the spiritual realms is not easily translated through all dimensional levels and layers into the physical body. The infinite states of consciousness are more easily known or experienced out of the body, and not necessarily realised as real physical cellular substance... embodied as form.

The consciousness embodied in our cells defines our ‘embodiment’ and accordingly, the form and function of our body. At this basic level of body, all stimulus to cell inform is external or ‘outside’ the cell, coming from the environment or other external stimulus, bio-chemically or bio-electrically relaying form and function information. Many wavelengths are maligned and designed to disrupt the cell integrity and capacity for embodiment through electro-magnetic interference, pharmacology and many other means, impacting the integrity of the system as a whole. This creates need and dependence at multiple levels to sustain life. The separate body typically holds itself in encapsulated existence, membraned off from the universal coherence that ultimately informs our eternal nature.

In a separate embodiment we only have access to a linear referent of self and other, and rely on energetic information available through the unified field to understand the referent of other. The biology simply said, will process the world, from the referent of the ‘I am’ of the soul embodied into the body. A separate referent view of self and world will translate naturally to biological systemic levels of processing the self ‘inside’ the body, and the world ‘outside' the body. All ‘threat’ is perceived as external, coming in from the outside, initiating a need to protect, boundary, disconnect and hold into separation, pull the membrane tight like a safety blanket. Boundarying existence creates biologically separate systems from others, that must process separate and distinct inner realities and protect from threat of other. The encapsulation creates layers of membrane of separation that hold into finite entropic systems, limiting the evolutionary capacity to build/engage infinite eternal Source architecture. Our freedom exists in Source unity beyond all division/separation. Our freedom begins in the coherency of unified geometry beyond the chaos of fragmentation, separation and division. Freedom and non-freedom are understood as we meet and cross each threshold of embodiment.


Once you begin to embody your separated soul aspects in a process to re-unify or return to a unified wholeness, the architecture of embodiment naturally begins to shift from separation to unity. Your fundamental unity with yourself, through integrating all levels of division and separation changes the fundamental embodiment geometry into the base infra-structure able to embody unity as physicality of cellular form.
In true unity, the union of all polarities of masculine/feminine changes the base circuitry of the body and the cellular bio-mechanics undergo a transformation from polarity to duality dynamics in zero-point spin. We embody as split/fragmented soul aspects into linear architecture to experience an individuated identity, when we unify our split fragmented soul aspects, we embody our true soul unity, and unified identity, through cellular dynamics of unity, as body. So we experience a unified soul in a unified body, that functions cellular biology through union of polarity forces - the atomic/ molecular spin and quantum particle physics, with bio-form function informed by the unified embodiment structure and toroidal engagement of soul into cellular form. The embodiment process is no longer a linear dynamic, but a toroidal spin around a zero-point in reconciliation of all positive/negative, masculine/feminine, dualities in a physicality that can exist and know true unity of Source, cellular coherency and unity of soul fully engaging into body - through a toroidal architecture. This body functions in levels of coherency, and is not receiving dimensional wavelength information through energy body anatomy to physical structure. The cellular embodied currency of the unified soul consciousness engages directly as physical and informs direct cell-to-cell, unity geometry to unity geometry as same. The cells are not linearly informed from point a to point b but through quantum cellular fluid that knows the same information, cell inform-to-form, in the same moment as all cells in one body, through the embodiment archtecture. 

Embodiment is cellular and effectively the incoming information consciousness to inform the cell is embodied within the cell itself, directly formative of its own form and function, and therefore able to directly inform the cells of others beyond any separation, as the same coded structural geometry and quantum inform of bio-form.

You are only, ever, able to inform other directly from your own embodiment.. you can teach only what you have embodied yourself… The unified body is directly able to inform other beyond energetic transmission and translation through dimensional wavelength frequency levels of informing cellular structure. The direct cellular inform exists in lemniscate formation, that engages the embodiment of your core truth through the zero-point of Source, through the cells of other, in loop return to your cells as the same. It is a non-linear inform through the non-separate circuitry of unity where a informs b and b informs a in the same moment, creating point c, where the one point c is formative of both a and b in dynamic lemniscate motion through two bodies held in one unified embodiment geometry of cellular structure. Both bodies are effectively informed as one bio-form of embodiment, with the precise same coded inform to cell at unified levels of geometry and coherency, in spin around the same zero-point of Source. The coherency of the informing waveform is able to hold true cellular coherency creating an integrity of embodied cellular structure that is not impacted by interference wavelength, the cell integrity holds true beyond the infarcts to the cell of a separate or non-embodied biology. Quantum coherence is the base structural integrity and sustainability of cellular systems that know bio-form potential as infinitely generative.

Embodiment informs our referent, a unified body is in a referent of self and other as non separate, ie as part of a unified whole, known not as spiritual idealism, but as embodied truth, through a zero-point core circuitry, that engages consciousness of embodiment through other as one body. Embodiment now expands beyond the held boundaried form of self, and engages larger embodiment realities with much higher coherency. The greater architecture is a significantly more stable geometry and structure that supports the vastness of the soul to reside in cellular form. Coherency of unified embodiment lifts or dissolves all other less coherent and chaos wavelength into itself, through the zero-point spin of Source core. Stability of embodied core unity engages an experience of body far beyond what we have known through ‘grounding’ a linear consciousness into a separate body. 

Embodiment defines our potential as humanity, both in terms of our consciousness, and our biological capacity, as we move beyond all limitations of separation. The unified referent of ‘I am’ ignites bio-form potentials that process a world as whole, and non divisible, non compartmentalised and non fragmented. It is out true divine nature as human to know ourselves as the fabric of universal existence, as pure creation in motion…


Non duality is an infinite, true and constant quantum embodiment. Non duality is a core spin created from the reconciliation of all dualities, where the forces of duality are in true and precise spin around a core Source neutral point, to effectively unify and reconcile the opposing forces to zero, or non-dual core. Polarity of masculine-feminine forge a union of opposing creational forces. The union of these within one body create unity through all levels of circuitry. Non duality motion, engages cellular mechanics beyond the duality forces of positive-negative at quantum atomic/molecular levels. A unified embodiment is in an active motion of holding coherency, forming and organising coherence, reconciliating opposing dualites. It is an active spin of engaging soul into body at vast levels of circuitry and structural cellular integrity. Circuitry is actively engaged through other, merging and building increasingly coherent infra-structure for next level embodiments. Non duality core body is no longer in an active hold of coherency - the circuitry and currency of spin holding the coherency of organisation at form level. From a quantumly embodied exist through time, space and dimension, the coherency and quantum mechanics are non divisible, or not separable and exist in quantum free form motion beyond hold, no longer motioning the duality force of active spin coherency against the counter force invested in maintaining chaos and entropy. The opposing forces and physics of duality are precisely reconciled through all levels, from and to the core zero point of non duality. At this point we can say non duality is embodied as form, but the truth is more precisely that there is no longer a duality of spirit and matter in dyadic relationship. So we move to the point of body as creational, immaculate, formative, beyond the process of embodiment itself.