Incoming Souls Work
We meet Incoming Souls / babies at soul-form level. This means the embodiment of the baby - soul as body - and we listen from there. In working with the babies arriving now we can listen to the incoming soul consciousness of the child and look at the information they are bringing to our embodiment as humans - our physical consciousness as families and communities - at this time on earth.
This information informs our way-of-being in all stages of life; pre-conception through conception, pregnancy, birth, childhood and as adults. Through this level of listening, there is a clear definition of the Incoming Souls from the incoming soul themselves, beyond any interpretation.
Listening to babies now is spirit-as-matter listening, soul-as-form listening, at this level of embodiment and it shows clear information that is neither energetic, nor interpretive, at levels of signs or symbols. The information is rich in cellular detail that is game-changing in terms of how we conceive, carry, birth and parent our ‘now’ children.
This work, these Incoming Souls, are gifting leading-edge information about the creational mechanics at conception point, embodiment and the physics of unity as form. It is ever-evolving and ever-generative consciousness in action.
‘Architecture’ is what shows us the embodiment of the soul in the cell, in the form… that is the literal fluid-cellular substance of the delicious baby body. The cellular detail these children know as their architecture, is unified. It has a geometry and physics that is not separate from ‘other’. The geometry and physics of unity is structural…. the ‘Architecture of Unity’. It also has a really exciting motion that moves/can move through us all, which is what we call ‘Currency’
We may see or feel a little baby with fleshy legs and edible toes, but what this baby is in-embodiment-of at unified levels of Being is mind-blowing. The consciousness embodied in the cell at the beginning of life…that defines the baseline for who this child will be in the world.
Unity is the living action of these children. It is the level at which our now-babies and children conceive, birth and live. In simple terms this is where the child feels: 'What I know in my body, you can know too' or 'What is happening in your body, I feel as cellular information in mine'. The invite is always for this knowing to go both ways… to have a unified currency in action with our Incoming Soul and family.
As such, physical development, actions, emotions, behaviours, etc. have a basis in unity as the ‘articulation of the child’s form’ i.e. the shape/structure and the driving force of their bodies is Unity.. it’s just how they work, how they are built… as the architecture of the soul-in-body, in active currency.
This is distinctly different from how we have understood unity in the past, which has been from an embodiment separate from soul and separate from each other - spirit to matter…built as a different architecture yet endeavouring to act in a unified way.
From the place of function-as-unified, each of these children is offering a stunning gift. As we meet them in their fullness, we can meet the gaps in our own stories. To meet them is to know them, as and from their architecture and action of unity.
Working with Incoming Souls is not about healing our own trauma before we conceive or birth, or as part of our parenting journey. It is simply about a cellular meeting from soul-cell to soul-cell. Soul-body touch. A shift in architecture, currency and action.
As we meet, healing can actually happen.. but as a by-product rather than a focus. What actually happens in the meet is an engagement in a unified currency, an embodied known of each other. The depth of that understanding is way beyond what we have ever known and is always available.. and crucially, it is cellular. We cannot conceptualise it, or wish it, or visualise it or imagine it.. But when we feel it… wow! We get it! To feel unity as a cellular reality! What an invite!
At such a level of soul-body-meet, there can only be the utmost integrity in action. This work, these babies, is never about self, because a self-referent/separate referent doesn’t work in a unified form. The gift from these incoming souls is available to all in that integrity, and as such unity physics is a reality from which we can move and develop in our families.
Our opportunity to meet our Incoming Souls, our babies, our children and know this as one form in a unified currency is here and is active.
New Information
So, the awareness of this level of body brings to light many questions that are dealt with or are in 'process' from many energetic and healing modalities. These questions are felt from the body of the child, vs from a dimensional or cognitive level of understanding. When we begin to see from their eyes, we can explore life-in-function and ask questions like:
Conception and Fertility
What is it to conceive a child in non-duality consciousness/embodiment now?
What is fertility when we begin to meet our incoming soul/baby/child and cellularly shift in that meeting? What is the territory that can be seen from their embodiment detail? The information is cell level, and includes parental unity dynamics and how a particular soul prepares the parent's bodies to conceive, birth and parent... It gives context to where we may be aware of the longing to have a baby.. what this longing actually is, and how that information is land-able through understanding the soul in its arrival. What are the limitations that have been associated with fertility e.g. the time dynamics - what is the actual substantive nature of fertility - our 'mother' nature?
Pregnancy and Pregnancy Loss
What is it to 'carry' a child where their embodied consciousness is literally teaching us about 'embody-to-form' through pregnancy and birth? What is that posture of pregnancy - if we stand into the posture of our child vs 'hold' that pregnancy, ritualise it or stand 'in carry' of a separate body to birth. What is it to carry a baby who is not referenced from the weighted ancestral view of family and birth, but who enfolds that history in their free form?
What is it to lose a baby and yet to know that baby as cellularly real - what is the wider story of that loss, what is that soul's preparation to form? We can actually look at where the depth of grief in that meeting is something to see from a different lens.. not to rid ourselves of the grief, but, crucially, not to miss this soul who is giving soul-physical information about themselves and their motion through and into family.
What is it to birth from the cellular systemic known of the child.. what is the physiology of that, the nervous system... and how does this differ from 'conscious birthing' as we have known it? If we truly feel the vastness of the nervous system of the baby during birth .. birthing looks really different. It ceases to be a conceptual and theoretical understanding of 'birthing process', and is an engagement beyond our ideas and hopes. It becomes truly baby-led (and enfolds our previous knowledge in a very different way).
What is it to 'mother'? To mother a child, who has a fundamentally new cellular set-up,..from their lead this is a different ball-game. We have the opportunity to stand beyond all the guesswork, the imposition, the guidance (that can often come from an understanding in duality consciousness) and actually listen to the embodied, known, information that this child is leading us through. There is an example here of parenting these children from that old understanding, being like trying to engage the latest smart phone by fumbling with Atari controls from the 80s. Our children are literally showing us how to parent them, from their bodies and demystifying the process. A simple, unbelievably clear expression of 'meet me here mama' when fully heard, can shift many many parenting challenges and approaches into a ‘now’ dynamic.
What is it to feed and nourish from here? What are the missing pieces of information we look for in nourishing our newborn and our growing babies that are waiting to be heard? What does breastfeeding look like? What is their physiological take on foods from a non duality body view? What’s on the menu in an unlimited physics that we try to manage and measure from a body in separate architecture? What questions about digestion can we answer from a unified non-duality body?
What is it to know symptomology and non-symptomology from the referent of the baby body itself, from the child in action? Their soul physics.... A form where cells are in a different dynamic of function and coherency,.. This has been stunningly in view over the years through those children who are given the diagnoses of e.g. ADHD and ASD etc. To view that neurology from the child itself is a very different experience than managing behaviour and disorder. What is conscious parenting now - beyond concept or cognitive understanding?
What is there to learn from simply acknowledging that our current references can place limitations on an unlimited being? To feel those limitations from the child can show us why some actions or behaviours exist. To begin to shift our cellular referent to the child’s view has a tangible and powerful impact on our children and ourselves.
There is so much more, but simply.. all of these questions can be boiled down to .. what is it to see conception, pregnancy, birth and parenting from a lens that looks from the child rather than at the child? What is it to see and know these children truly…. There really is an exciting cellular dialogue that is ever-present and ever-available to explore… so, what happens when we choose that?
how we work
We do our work in daily cellular listening to these souls, these children. We do individual sessions and have active groups and listening sessions that can help parents, parents-to-be or anyone working in the fields of fertility, pregnancy, birthing, child development etc understand who these souls actually are.
In this messed up world at this time... these children are fundamentally not messed up and are showing us clarity (at quantum physics levels of being). We have some amazing audio courses that clearly and viscerally take each person through the information that is present and active to feel right now, and all words are in a dynamic and timeless precision. It is truly stunning to listen to these Incoming Souls at this level.
Now is a precise time to share this work much wider, as these children engage and change the very fabric of our existence. Now is a time to give voice to the embodiment-known in these children, and take our lead from them in all levels of living. Now is a time to engage what is wanted (and needed) from a cellular-known in each of us, and begin to understand where there actually is a generative unfurl of life as we can know it
what was in your overview?
As an exploration, see if you can notice what your body’s experience of reading these words has been.
Did you feel a bigger referent? Did your neurology or breathing shift a little? Did your brain zone in on a particular question, or did something in the article land somewhere specific in your body?
Let this settle.
Your invitation is to come back and re-read from the exploration point. It will be different each time, or it may become more intense. This is simple listening, and the referent everything.
If you would like to explore more….. Action Steps / Resources
Everything is in the view
image created by an 11 year old child to express how he feels