Our Incoming Souls
Shelley Lemaire
It is an exquisite meeting, the moment we set eyes on our newborn baby. A moment that takes our breath away and there will never be any moment more intimate or life-changing... Everything we have known ourselves to be is now forever changed by this being, this baby who we are meeting for the first time… yet the known of this first meeting, this ‘first contact’ transcends all our ‘knowing’ to date. We know this soul, this child, who we are now just beginning to get to know in their newborn body. Everything we are has just been blown apart, rewritten and reassembled by this little being, this soul… this baby we birthed. who is both fully ours and does not belong to us, in the same moment… our heart both inside and outside our body…. our future and our past all woven into one exhausted overwhelmingly ecstatic present. All dualities will be fully immersed in for the next stage of life as mother to this baby…
Most profoundly, our referent has changed dramatically, and everything that has come before no longer holds us in its clutches in quite the same way. Our view of ourselves and the world has now been re-scripted by another, who we do not know… yet is the centre of our universe. And the universal presence of this soul has been informing our referent view and cellular experience for the last 9 months…but in truth, far longer. Often this soul has been present with us for years... weaving their consciousness into our bodies and out lives in the most exquisite ways, unseen, but intricately preparing. Sometimes the incoming soul makes their presence felt in certainty and other times it is a quiet whisper of existing, a timeless being emerging into time and touching the threads of our existence in the most precise ways…informing our cellular form, touching our lives and our longings, our families and the people around us. A stunningly precise weave of the consciousness of an incoming soul is taking place for years leading up to their conception... It is a most precious time in which we can be present to this soul, listening to who this being is, seeing, feeling, and getting to know the essence and personality that will be. The embodiment information of every incoming soul is fully accessible before conception, as it is during pregnancy, and after birth. The embodiment information is the fundamental story of who this soul is, the consciousness they are bringing into their body.…the who of this soul, and why of you, the precise gift to your family, and to this earth. The spirit that embodies into matter, ie the soul that arrives into the body, is and has an embodiment story long before birth…it is a story that will unfurl and unfold throughout their lifetime. The presence and posture of this child as defined through their embodiment of soul-into-body is information that we can feel and access through their embodiment story at any stage. This information unfurls with life experience, as this child grows and develops, but the core essence of who this soul has come to be in this life is a constant, it is something we can begin to get to know, to become parent to, in witness and love before this child has conceived their physical form.
In the world of baby-making we are so often missing some key information, fundamental jigsaw pieces of a conception story... why this soul, why now, why not now, why this family, this timing????.. why in the world? In a long heart-wrenching wait for a desired conception, or a whoops moment of unplanned pregnancy, we might silently ask ‘why?’… Our linear path laid out, step-by-step to future goals, and oh, someone has a different plan.:. or a different piece of the family jigsaw than we expected… not fitting into our ‘timing’ one way or another…who is this being? What is the view through their eyes as they prepare to enter this family dynamic with all its messy and beautiful aspects... these lives entwined and enfolded, journeying towards parenthood, family, a profound awakening of wakened nights and changing identities... who is this exquisite incoming soul that is weaving their personality and essence into this family tapestry… thread-by-thread creating these new parents and shaping this new life… What is the missing piece of information we do not know, and cannot see, but makes sense of this entanglement of family... this soul choosing and preparing, now, why, who… why not now... why such a long painful road… is something wrong/ is assisted fertility the only way? Like waiting for the metaphorical baby bus for years, and then all of a sudden three come along… without rhyme or reason. Except there is a very precise spirit-matter story that holds both poetic rhyme and perfect reason... and it is a story we can share, can be witness to, can understand and it is the missing information that makes sense of why, who, how…why this symptom, this challenge, this unexpected unfolding…why this loss, this timing, this process… why this pain, this recalibration and rebuilding, why this meet and this consciousness and why this child… AND what action steps to take on the path… phew.
Just as we might stand for our young child who is being picked on in the playground, as mother, as father… stand for who this child is, their truth, their vulnerability, their core integrity, we can also stand in known of our incoming soul… the one who will be this child, who already reveals their essence and unique beauty.. the soul qualities that will be developed throughout a lifetime, the core of who this baby will one day become. This detail is all inherent within the embodiment story of the incoming child, and is as tangible to feel before conception, as is it during pregnancy and into childhood… the soul of the child becoming form, the spirit of the matter… this incoming soul, this incredible being… this is their story.
- an exquisite cellular listening informing and enfolding the core heart of mother and child
My introduction to this work came 25 years ago with the presence of my son. He was clear and directive from the get go... a tangible ‘this is who I am, and this is what I need’ kind of guy. I saw him at the time as a blonde 3 year old, curls, cheeky smile and holding my hand in a ‘here look at this, see me, see the world through my eyes’ manner.. He had a definitive body response to things in my daily life - my body experiencing his body, or more accurately his consciousness as it would become embodied, informing my cells. Our touch to the incoming soul is timeless, beyond the space time we exist in… it has its own cellular language and articulation… All of this becomes tangible as we listen… the intricate and intimate details... the physics of the conception point… and if we are fully listening, the moment of the conception itself can be experienced like a hand-held, ‘hey Mama, this is my moment, are you ready?’ Cheeky smile and conception point bio-physics all lined up... soul ready… here we go!!! To be present to this moment, to this child, to this conception, we are fully listening in integrity to this being, receiving them into our body... knowing the core of this child-to-be… holding, nurturing and carrying this precise soul through to birth. In meeting our incoming soul in this way, we are building a deep and powerful connection with this child whom we will be birthing… any and all challenges, emotions, and experiences during pregnancy have a held understanding within the vastness of this soul enfolding us, informing us every step of the way.
I have now been working with the incoming souls for over 2 decades, and learning from each and every one - seeing through their eyes, understanding the unique and universal piece each soul brings, the gift to the family, and the gift to the world. Each incoming soul has a wider story to share, one that will develop and grow with them throughout their lifetime. As the consciouenss of the world changes, so too does the consciousness arriving to birth, so each new baby has a gorgeous and fundamental part of our shared story, the bigger story of humanity and our evolution through these wild and crazy times. Each incoming soul is a unique and individual newborn baby, and each is not ‘separate’ and so gives us access to the wider universal consciousness… the heart beat of the universe, that is at the core of the conception point of this new incoming soul. And my work has been one of purely listening… many many incoming souls sharing their embodiment story, personal, global, universal. It is a constantly evolving story, that we can all own as our own, beyond any personal. Who we are as a body of humanity in evolution… There is a certain privilege in seeing through many eyes, listening to many incoming souls over many years, its kind of like watching the artistry… the tapestry… the masterpiece of Creation in action.
The greatest fulfilment in this work has been teaching the listening, to Mamas-to-be and witnessing the ‘drop’ into the vast informing and enfolding of the incoming soul. In the body there is an exquisite cellular language that is ever-present and engageable, filled with a depth of information to give voice and articulation to, and in doing so, a deep rest into knowing, into being held and enfolded by the incoming soul, who is heard and received. Listening and walking hand-in-hand towards the fulfilment of family, making birth choices and decisions through the intimate knowing of the incoming child felt, seen, heard.. it is a conversation taking place cellularly throughout every moment of pregnancy... And after months or years in which we, as Mamas, have got to know this incredible soul, we meet them face-to-face, and it all lands… a stunning ever-met, heart-to-heart known… a new arrival and a home-coming. It was the most profound moment in my life, and now my work, to meet my son in those precious moments after giving birth, and to know him so fully, through all the doubts and fears and all the challenges, through all that tears us apart and prepares us to birth this child, this incredible soul, knowing us beyond anything we have every known… this soul who has held us, as we have carried them in our wombs, this relationship we have built, our communication, and rest into each other… to be mother and child in this life. Our family body held and holding this beauty and joy, this rewriting and rebuilding of our fundamental selves, this wholeness and beyond our personal joy, this access to our universal wholeness, our own soul embodying into our body as mother, unified through our core heart, this mother, this child, forever.