Who are the Incoming souls?


The Incoming Soul,

Is the soul of the baby...  she is the soul that comes here to change our world… first, she is born.

She reveals herself to us, in our hearts, in our dreams, in our longing.  She touches us with the essence of her being... a glimpse of her purpose, her life, the small child smiling to us from the corner of our vision.

She longs for us to see her; to see ourselves through her eyes.

Like she has drawn us into her crayon picture of a family, and wishes us to see...  family, home, how she has formed us, the colours she used, the detail that is important to her.

Her wishes, her dreams... alongside our own.  One picture

'See how the world looks through my eyes Mama… Do you see me seeing you?  Do you see me as I am... do you feel me creating within you?  Do you hear me whisper my name?'

Art representing unity consciousness in family by Incoming Souls.

Incoming souls

Light in form

Embodiment physics in action

Soul cellular information…. NOW

The Incoming Souls are the souls of our children in their personal, collective and evolutionary arrival on earth.  These are the souls who are preparing to conceive and arrive here now… each with a precision of purpose…birthing their pure soul consciousness into form… their baby body woven through time and space, articulating existence, essence within architecture, a newly emerging I am… These are the souls who are telling a story of our universal humanity... who we have been becoming, past, present and future…woven within their tiny form, the threads of consciousness of our now. Each child born exists a unique and universal embodiment story and each can be listened to, met and understood as they are conceiving and birthing now, as they grow in the womb now, as they take their first steps upon this now earth… and as they grow into their stunning I am…. 

The Incoming Souls can only be defined in the moment they reveal the precision and purity of their consciousness embodied as a now child of this earth. They cannot be seen, understood or defined within any conceptual or theoretical model of incarnation and birth, or any ancient spiritual teaching or belief system. The Incoming Souls arrive at the very edge of global consciousness and human evolution on this earth, and their arrival defines the very edge itself.  These souls are not passively arriving, as tiny victims, into a crazy, chaotic and disconnected world, to be thrown into the cookie mix of some dystopian future. They are, in fact, actively preparing and purposely weaving the many threads of their soul consciousness into form, informing the wider global body of humanity, the planetary body circuitry, and actively creating and igniting their unique and interwoven threads in the universal fabric of our shared future.  


They are telling the story of ‘NOW’


Each incoming soul holds and births a precise gift for their family, at personal, community, global and universal levels. Each soul draws themselves into a new picture of the family of planet earth, the stars, and the universe... and wishes us to see... family, home, how they have formed us, the colours they used... the detail that is important… the unique and universal, and the timeless I am of the soul that will one day stand tall and true as the child upon this earth.

We can learn to listen to the incoming souls, through their own unique referent of embodiment. We can see the world through their eyes, as they have drawn it, and as they experience themselves within it. We can listen and understand how to meet them where they need to be met; how to receive, carry and birth them, how to parent, support and teach them as they grow. We can understand what they need to truly support, nourish and feed them, to help them grow into the fullness and fulfilment of who they came here to be. 

Who is the unique soul that is born… the soul physics of this being, in this body… the soul arriving into this family, this global community... who is the being that enters at this moment, the precise consciousness that creates this life, experiences themselves in this biology, in this environment, plays the game of human at this time on earth, this time-space of evolutionary existence... Who are the many incoming souls who arrive here now in precision, who timelessly touch our future with each precious conception, their tiny pure baby bodies a constellation of unity and truth for us to discover. Through listening to the soul of the child, and the precision of the many incoming souls. we can more fully understand their personal and evolutionary motion, and in doing so, understand ourselves in our infinite divine nature. 


Shelley Lemaire