Soul Physics … Understanding the Bio-Form


Bio-circuitry of the soul

Our understanding of body, whether that be my body, your body, or the body of the child, begins from the dynamic living matrices of soul-into-form. The body is a dynamic equation of universal spirit-matter physics. The bio-form.

We invest significant time and energy into our body, how we look, how we move, our action and articulation in the world… how we feel in our body, our posture and stand in the world, our sensory experience and our unique shape and identity… Who am I, in this body, in this world ? The vast focus and energy expended on self as body, body as self, typically as something immutable you are ‘lumped with’, have to fight against, restrict, control, decorate, supplement, surrender to, hide, exhibit, accept or be in battle with, identify with or wish to change it…love or hate it, ‘the body’ is something we are constantly waging war against…win or lose. What is it we want so desperately to triumph over?

To the non spiritual, the body is the be-all-and-end-all of life... essentially a physiology, soul-less; to the spiritual, the body is more often relegated to the vehicle for the soul, much like a mode of transport we may have sitting at the curb-side, a randomly assigned genetic composition that we are born into, that will grow and age and decline and we will inevitably leave behind, ashes-to-ashes, dust-to-dust… Life. Nature. Cycles. Spirit and Matter dualism.

Who am I - body or soul - where does identity exist? This view reveals the existential limits of linear thinking and spirit-matter duality. The bio-form, that is body, is in fact a complex dynamic dance of spirit and matter… consciousness informing form through many stages of embodiment of soul… a dance becoming more and more intimate and the steps more and more complex and fluid as we embody self-as-body, body-as-self, then spin across the dance floor in perfect union to extend our dance to the universe-as-body, body-as-universe. Source as architecture and articulation of an infinite ‘I am’, stepping, swirling and somersaulting in the immaculate precision of the dance of spirit and matter. Damn, THIS IS BODY!

Your ‘embodiment story’ begins long before birth, and is the held-into-cellular articulation of the soul… the ‘I am’ of the being. encoded at every template level of matter. Within this embodiment story are the seeds of identity, that which has been carried through the timelines of the soul, carving and shaping the being in time, space and dimension… a surfer on a universal tide.

Beginning at conception, the human being is a map and miracle of personal-universal embodiment, an infinite magnificent soul, in the universal tide, informing a body designed to give full articulation to the soul, through embodiment. Beyond simply a dandelion-soul blown randomly into a baby body, at the whim of random genetics and shaped by the chaos of environmental/global currents - nature and nurture beasts of burden. No wonder we are at war with ourselves.

Body as void of spirit is little more than dead flesh walking. We can consider this as the nth degree of spirit-matter split, where there is just enough spirit engaged in matter to ignite and beat the heart and sustain the life-giving systems of the body. Load this body with super-foods or toxic-foods, it will only ever exist within the limits of its bio-form physics, i.e. the bio-circuit currents of consciousness informing cell function… the limitations of the template-to-form… the information of the soul able to embody into and inform the cell, therefore, the currency of the body. Trying to re-write or over-ride the birth template or imprint is also limited to the 4th dimensional level of the intention and the technique, and is akin to telling your Suzuki Swift to believe it is a Tesla.

We are a living evolving embodiment story and there is precision in all facets of this story… who is the unique soul existing in this body, this family, this world… how is the body expressing and articulating the soul, drawing a lifetime of experiential growth, love, loss, challenge, healing, purpose and fulfilment? How can we listen to and understand the precision of our embodiment story in the world, each choice, each step, each fall, each success met in a wider ‘why’ and ‘how’ and ‘who am I’? A life constantly transforming, resolving and evolving our soul physics, our form, our posture of embodiment… here I stand, this soul, in this body, in this life. The spirit-matter body in its dynamic dance, igniting, engaging and embodying vaster and higher levels of the soul, ever more deeply, fluidly and fully entwined in the dance of ‘I am’.

Within this dance, the more spirit-into-matter mojo you have going on, the higher and more complex your cell form and function is, and the higher and more precise your physical experience and articulation of ‘I am’. Another way of saying this, is the more functioning bio-circuitry you are running through multiple levels of form, the more universal consciousness is currency-ing human, and the bio-form capacity. Or we could just say you are literally ‘living your best life’ Ha!. Our fundamental bio-physics, i.e. the circuitry that holds and carries multi-dimensional universal consciousness in cellular and neural communication and function in a human body, is governed by the universal physics of spirit-matter. This is a bio-chemistry with base codes and geometry - living matrices - existing function according to the circuits and currency of information consciousness of the system… the base template of matter organising atomic and sub-atomic structure, to support the embodiment and articulation of consciousness… spirit-into-matter… spirit-as-matter.

There are many, many circuits and matrices (blueprints of form) in action at many many levels of the human bio-form. As we embody more consciousness into the cell, the cell evolves its geometry and DNA template, and therefore its capacity to hold consciousness, so the cellular matrix evolves to embody more consciousness as body in the spirit-matter dance. If we look closely through our non-linear lens, we are seeing the non-duality of the dance steps: the consciousness embodies into and informs the cell to be restructured and at the same time, the cell needs to be restructured to be able to receive and hold the consciousness. A creates B and B creates A, and both are true. It is non-duality physics. The living matrices of spirit-matter that ultimately dance themselves through the challenges of duality to come together in the perfect immaculate union of spirit-matter as one. One body. One form.

We have just raised the bar, lifted the roof and redefined our understanding of what is body. If we look back now, the old ‘normal’ measure of function is pretty minimal at best. Within the base template of the human body, there are multiple circuits that have been offline or corrupted throughout time, and there are many timelines of disconnection and disruption in the universal tapestry of this wider embodiment story - of humanity. For simplicity, it is suffice to say, we have been running a bio-circuitry at the most minimal level of function, and one based significantly in a counter-currency of loss and degradation. A simple circuit designed to sustain loss of currency over time, will only ever function in loss… a degenerative cellular matrix… a denatured bio-form.

This is not our original or true human design. It is not what is found within the blueprint, architecture and bio-form of the baby born at this time, who is more ‘universally whole’ and in reveal of the many levels of functioning bio-circuitry we have lost. To witness the incoming soul-into-form embodiment through a Source circuitry and zero-point architecture redefines who we are as human, and we can finally see the limited function built-in to our old base template. And its like a brick to the side of the head! Once we engage in an open Source circuitry of non-loss, it is staggering to see how we have spent our lifetimes managing and coping with sustained loss of currency at all levels of life. And here we can finally see, without the blinkers, the bio-circuits, earth body circuitries and societal structures that have existed in finite closed-loop systems of perpetual loss and therefore baseline survival. We can begin to comprehend all that has whipped the rug out from underneath these bodies… the body… your body… my body.

The many many layers and levels of matrices that inform the bio-form of the human and earth body are, in their true nature, fundamentally life-sustaining, infinite energy systems, in non-duality currency. Divinity. Nature. Life. And counter to this, our ‘running-the-hamster-wheel’ lifestyles have been cleverly designed to power a much bigger Duracell Bunny. At the level of the universal physics of spirit-matter there cannot be loss. This may make sense, and be evident in many levels of global society today, but what of the body? The human body that is born, lives a life and dies… ageing, disease, loss, corruption,…fight to live, fight to love, fight to survive. Look again at the focus and energy expended on self as body, body as self, as limited, immutable, something we are entrapped within, fighting to conquer and tame, love and accept, or hate… our measure of triumph and success.

Ownership, freedom and integrity of cellular function are baseline fundamentals of the human bio-form. Universal bio-coherency is our norm, inter-connected wholeness embodied within our tissues, our blood, our neural pathways… universal bio-physics of human held and enfolded within the universal fabric of existence, soul informing form, life unfurling life… Creation. In other words, a generative body is our true design, and the degenerative limited cellular matrix needs to no longer be the ever-losing fight with ourselves. To know body in greater integrity of function is our truth and our freedom. As each new-born child engages their incoming soul-into-body physics, through a more complete and whole architecture, we are witness to this emerging new territory and exploring the cellular form and function beyond the old limitations.

Understanding and working with our embodiment story gives us a full picture of the who, the how and the why of our soul, this lifetime, this body, here now. We are able to release and resolve held points in our timelines, re-weave torn threads of our personal, family and collective history, and engage more fully in the cellular body, embodying higher and vaster aspects of our soul-self and origin. Yet we still exist within the coded written-in limitations of our base blueprint and circuitry in separation. Through understanding and evolving the bio-physics of form at the blueprint, architectural and circuitry levels of embodiment, we can open into the full, rich, nourish of this exiting territory of who we are, in infinite, non-duality Source circuitries and what we are capable of when we engage in ownership of our body, and the freedom in knowing ourselves in embodiment of soul-never-separated, timeless zero point core universal coherency and physics of bio-form… the who, the how and the why… dismantling the linear limitations and false ceilings of our true human embodiment potential…living our best life!!!