A Seamless Fabric


The incoming soul designs their own blueprint and crafts their own path.  This path is not a straight line… it is laid down in the blueprint of the incoming soul physics of form… the templated origins of a life unfurling, etched in the core blueprint, the fingerprint design, the unique expression of this being in body... how the cells divide and tissues form, how the heart beats and blood flows, ever with the light touch of the artist’s brush, the visage of the infinite face of the being... the universally calibrated tools of the artist, the art of the soul-in-form… the posture, touch, taste, perception, breath, love, creation… all expressed through an entirely unique form.

Each form birthed, each incoming soul as baby body, is a one-of-a-kind wonder, woven from many many many threads of consciousness, a tapestry of brilliance. The soul physics of form is a living work of art, yearning to be known by the artist, to be explored, experienced, understood, shared, shaped, reformed in every moment, a life unfurling a true design, infinitely woven, non-linear and majestic. Art.  Design.  Form.

At the moment of each new conception there are many threads already woven, informing and enfolding the mother (father and family). Through this complex multi-levelled woven motion the soul can be seen embracing and holding the mother-father union to conceive. A divine creational moment, both enfolding and enfolded, nestled within multi-levelled matrices. Like Russian dolls, the incoming soul is both the outermost universal structure and the innermost baby-to-be conception point. Nothing is linear. To know the incoming soul is to rest within their creational motion and allow the form of their conception body to reveal its stunning precision.

The moment of conception, the first brush stroke on the canvas, lovingly prepared and intricately woven, to meet themselves timelessly in a conception point.  This point is already held in the enfold of a lifetime, as yet unanchored in time and space. All moments beyond a linear past-present-future, all reason for being, all seeded potential and paths to fulfilment, neatly spooled and threaded in the matrix and mantle of consciousness the new baby-to-be wraps around itself... tightly furled in the core seed of the form… this perfect being.

To give a simplistic definition, linear is an A to B physics, where A and B are separate points on an axis, and we view something as moving from point A to point B, in measured time. Non linear is a C to C physics, where we view something as moving from C, as C, to C (and multiple temporal points are inherent within the motion). A simple stitch loop… 0 to 0, many stitch loops in an infinite fabric of existence.

So, what happens if we linearise the incoming soul to a floating spirit just waiting to plop into the next body on the conveyor belt, carried by the stork from point A to point B… what if we linearly impose our own design upon this child, our wants, needs, timing, portraits, and family expectations… What if we assume they do not exist their own design of soul-into-form … a non-being-ness, blank slate consciousness, unwritten vulnerable wee things to be stamped, imprinted and shaped by the whims of the linear world… what if?

Nothing is linear, nothing is separate… Nothing is a straight line... not birth nor death, not a lifetime lived, nor a soul coming to earth. God is not a separate dude handing out benevolence or judgment, to be found, believed in, rejected or otherwise oriented to in a world of innate separateness. It is the referent that is linear, not the existence of all things spirit-matter. The infinite threads of a universal fabric hold and carry multi-stranded information, consciousness and currency of existence. This is a non-linear, non-duality universal physics, in constant creational motion… Creator-created.

When we speak of our lineage, our family trees, our culture and history, our ancestors and origins, the seasons and aeons of humanity, these are all threads that hold specific consciousness and timeline information, but are non linear. We can look at such threads as formative, but only within the wider view of the weave and currency of the whole. We weave ourselves from all that has come before, all we will create in this life, and all that will come after, a timeless weave currency-ing information through time,.. Our cellular matrices, like star-light-woven flax baskets, nestled and cradling the design and code of our star origin into cellular form… We are a walking star-formed tapestry, art in action, a fluidly evolving embodiment of star home consciousness as human home form. Our embodiment story, our soul origin and unique weave, gives us our posture and power in this life. Origin. Identity. Ownership.

There is always precision in these threads, the who, how and why of the soul in form… the design of a body, of a life to be lived. It is in the blueprint - the instruction set, the template, the writ - intimately coded, the threads determine the experience of ‘reality’ from birth onwards... the life-shaped patterns, written in and met in the world around, the formation of the personality and identity. The individual characteristics, strengths, gifts, challenges, crisis points, goals and achievements of a life will all ‘make sense’ if viewed from within the blueprint of the being. When we find and understand a single fundamental thread of our lives it will make sense of a myriad of experience, thought, feelings, presentiments. It will link or tie together the apparent unrelated chaos of our lives, and begin to answer some of the whys and wtfs we are carrying around. When we start to understand and own the many many many threads of our being-in-form, then life can become the masterpiece it is designed to be.

You could say, the meaning of life is written in, but is entirely non linear. There is no line of destiny or predictability, no psychic future and there is infact danger in following any linear bread crumbs laid out and heading straight to a toasty little oven. All the never-ending black holes that inverse an infinite truth… the linear signage is everywhere. All information and consciousness woven within an infinite fabric is accessible only from within the fabric itself, as non linear. From wholeness to wholeness as wholeness. The threads unresolved become the challenges met, rewritten, re-woven, each time reweaving an interconnected piece to wholeness… pulling a thread until it unravels, and the held-in-time trauma points along that thread can release for many. Our personal tapestry is not separate in any way, it is far reaching through time, space and dimension, stretching though historical folds and seams, edging family and cultural ancestries, curled and corded through spiral galaxies, stitching and quilting universal origins and futures…

Open this out, look at the detail, the torn edges and disconnected pieces, the loss and betrayal, the threads pinched, knotted and held that will underlie the healing and resolution, the darts we run and hide from, the pleats of un-named grief, the issues we fight and stand for, the loose ends we tidy up, the tailored alterations and fix-er-uppers of a life, of a world. Open this out further, to see the unique colours and filaments, the fibres of a being, the courage to be true, the love given and received, the change, growth and beauty of fulfilled tapestries… the feel-rights and leaps of faith, the celebration moments, the art created, the unarticulated joy and deep unspoken knowings, the essence of who we are revealing stitch by stitch, thread by thread, truth in existence, soul articulated in these cells, form of my form…

“Do you know me?” Let’s say you have been formed, woven, knitted and stitched, from a universal sewing pattern, cut out of the infinite multi-dimensional fabric of the universe... a Simplicity pattern of origin, flared vintage (insert name here) style. Your base design encoded as a garment of the universal tapestry of all woven threads that have no beginning and no end, yet begin and end at the same point in a perfect infinite stitch loop… Non duality physics.

Now, if you take the fabric of your form, and turn it inside out, like pulling a jersey over your head, inside-out, outside-in, then you may say you are experiencing yourself in inverse… the jersey in the wrong way, but precisely inverse to its right way. Therefore you are meeting and experiencing both dualities of yourself. Break this down into the individual threads and fibres in a back-to-front inside-out duality, and each thread is in a motion of meeting itself in the inverse of itself… And therein lies the key to reconciling duality in form.

Non duality is not a philosophy we can ruminate over, or a self-love exercise in accepting our nice and not-so-nice qualities. Non duality has universal physics and quantum physics. The universal threads carry universal information and quantum coherency to the tissues of the body - if the circuitry and currency exists. There is direct access as cellular information. This is where we listen, see and feel the fabric of the body. It is a cellular, lived, breathed, bodied universal currency. Here we are no longer lost and separate energy bodies, seeking guidance by connecting to and receiving messages and energetic transmissions from somewhere ‘out there’. Finally, our embodiment is the access and the answer - whatever the question is. This access begins with unified architecture and zero-point circuitry. Core to core. Point C physics. Stitch loop of 0 (zero point) to 0 (zero point). Source core 0 must engage as personal core 0 to jersey yourself into a non-duality embodiment. All time, space and dimensional information is now accessible within the cells. This is an infinite form. Without core zero point architecture the universal threads are not connected, and the personal cut-out can only move within the boundary of self, twisting and turning like wool in a hot wash.. in ever-decreasing circles of self. This is a finite form.

Each of us has a base-coded universal pattern and our personal embodiment story is in the detail and brush strokes of the specifics, the design and style unique to the individual soul and lifetime. We can look closely and see where there are unfinished stitches, loose threads, some torn or frayed edges, old prints and new ones overlapping, patterns with missing information, pinches, folds and held-in-time binding, and maybe some sewn up pockets to unstitch and open out... we are a work in progress. When we look beyond the perceived edges of our cut-out pattern, we can see there are many many many threads connecting all the individual pieces and each has information for us, that is both personal and universal … Listening to, or following, one of these wider non personal threads will take us into the vast universal view. Viewing self and other from this referent, we can glimpse the entire tapestry in the mastery of its design, and see how the many are all cut, but never separated from, the one infinite cloth. We can see self beyond held into boundary… and other beyond separate to self… We can begin to understand how working on one’s own fabric detail is intricately interconnected to the whole, and the experiential shifts and re-weaving of others… we can start to feel and know what is happening in the wider fabric of all, as part of our personal daily life… active threads touching many in any given moment, opening out, shifting, re-weaving, engaging embodied global and societal motion... our true universal unity articulated as form, as action, as how we feel when we get up in the morning, how our daily life unfolds…

Now, to turn your fabric form inside out, through a Source core zero point, you are, in effect, pulling the entire universal fabric through your individual pattern, and therefore, with all dualities inherently whole, this vast universal fabric inside-out-jersey will reveal and resolve the dualities held in your personal embodiment story.  Simplicity - simply by meeting itself in the inside-out inverse of itself all individual threads and fibres can be made whole, from the wholeness.  Beginning in the universal fabric, from the zero-point core of Source moving through the core of our individual body beyond any separation, all threads, all dualities, all space-time dimensionalities exist as one fluid fabric motion.  We are meeting ourselves in both directions - universal to personal, and personal to universal in the same moment.

It is near impossible to pull ourselves apart through individual linear healing processes to resolve all that we carry in this lifetime, through all levels of self.  There is simply too much that has been mis-informed and corrupted through time eternal… fabric ripped, torn, black-holed and straight-edged into oblivion.  ‘Unity’ itself has been personified, through a counter currency, as a Borg Queen controlling the hive mind, “you will be assimilated”.  Talk about pull the wool over your eyes!  Sustained disconnection in entropy, closing in tighter and tighter into an encapsulated ball-of-wool self, perpetually navel gazing at the belly button fluff of an ego-separate-self. 

Linear healing of a separate body is like the hamster in the wheel of time, frantically spinning in ever increasing or decreasing circles to the inevitable dead-end,  All finite designs are designed to be finite.  And you cannot see the design flaws from within it… The referent view is from the infinite universal fabric, seeing ‘self’ as the individual design within and as the whole entire magnificent design, articulating all threads with the unique essence and flair of the artist... enfolding and enfolded by the vast exquisite fabric of creation.  The currency of the universe is ever and always motioning and lifting you towards greater coherency, wholeness and integrity - unless of course you are running in the other direction, and the counter-currency is taking you away from wholeness and integrity of form.  The living breathing pulsing tissues of our bodies are the very fabric of the universe seeking to return home to the union of all creation… the soul physics of the form… the raison d’être

To meet yourself in this way, in the threads of all, through all, as all, is the defining nature of the infinite, the eternal, the immaculate… It is the creator and the creation and the creational motion… knowing yourself as the many as one and the one as many, as a literal, physical, embodied, lived daily existence.  The form beyond the concept.  The truth beyond the words.  The body beyond separate.  To truly know form, is to know yourself as the creator and the created…

The non duality incoming soul is one that exists the many-as-one, as body, as an infinite I am. This is not a spirit-ball-of-light-baby floating in the etheric soup of dis-embodied souls, to be meditated on or connected to, or called in through some intentional ceremony or ritual… to ‘make a baby’ in all the limited definitions inherent in this, that are simply not from the baby-in-making, in their formative creational conception point physics. This incoming soul is already weaving themselves through many, as many, giving access and information to many as one… the artist creating and weaving the form of the art, from fabric, as fabric, to fabric… as form. 

Rather than going within to listen to the quiet voice of the incoming baby, the soul of the child is seen and felt most profoundly within the ‘other’, in the faces and facets of the world around the mother-to-be. The consciousness of the incoming soul weaves itself through many as one formative motion, touching and adding colour to the family portrait, catalysing and transforming the held-in-time wounds and losses, darning the threadbare tapestry of a lineage, history and hand-me-down stories. The embrace of this personal incoming can be felt in, as and of, the many threads of many incoming souls weaving their universal consciousness in constant creational motion…. a stunning interwoven global mantle from the core heart of home… Many children, One fabric. The gentle touch of this incoming reaches timelessly to the soul’s birthed within this family body and those who may not have fulfilled a form… each seen and. acknowledged as part of the family fabric and weave of many… who we are, why we are together,… this family, enfolded by and enfolding the new born baby.  She is here..

I am in the threads of the tapestry you know as ‘you’ and do not know as ‘me’ .. the threads that when lifted, tucked stitched pull on your seams undoing and unravelling the edges of a lesser version, an old pattern, long out of date, a held into overlocked trauma-based identity. I am in the stitches that are freed and in those that are neat, those that challenge and those that allow a vast unknown-before stretch .. I am in the un-picking of the too-tight hem.. the cramp and the vomit and the glandular fatigue of a body altering its fluid composition and integrity .. I am in the tucked in tight, gather of the cloak, the hidden thoughts and unspoken feelings .. I am in the lost stitches grieved and the cut on the bias .. I am in the colours of the ancestral cloth, and the knit of the wee baby booties .. I am the yearning of a lifetime and the never-before known .. I am the stitches and the thread and the pattern and the designer.. I am your child