A Typical Story
A measure of normal…
Where do we begin when our straight line rules and measures no longer give an accurate reading... when we can’t fit our child-sized people into the familiar old boxes we comfortably inhabited for so many generations… what of the old linear timeline we call life, well trodden pathways of choice, patterned and entrenched through the hard yards of our forebearers. Left-brain cognition and rational scientific thinking defining our measure of intelligence and the right brain creative artistic minds ever abstractly outside the box of ‘getting a real job’. Gosh, the old tyres are worn out, but these are still the questions being asked of our young people.. ‘are you paying attention in school?’ ‘How do you line up against our straight line rule of normal?’ ‘Have you decided what you are going to do with your life?’ The linearity modelled in every way as the measure of right vs wrong, graded, socially accepted, pass or fail, normal or dysfunctional…who are you on this linear measurement we have already decided is life, acceptability and success, and what will your linear choices be?
If you were to jump through a time portal to visit the early hominid cave dwellers, and proceeded to count to 100 or build a simple vehicle with circular wheel-based mechanics, it is likely they would implement their club-based neuro-analysis and give you one almighty whallop on the skull to dumb you down into a grade of ‘normal’ that did not threaten the world as they know it.
Nothing in this universe is linear... and a child with greater access to universal consciousness will embody and process this information non-linearly. Multi-modal sensori-neural input pathways, many levels of incoming consciousness synthesised into neurological wholeness, multi-dimensional, i.e. many points of time, space and dimensional wavelength all informing the present moment. The neurological function to receive, process and respond to so many input signals is like playing all levels at once in one of today’s fast-action, multi-player X-box games. Then playing all the players, through a shared neurological network.
Hang on a minute, can we slow that down to the good old Pac-man arcade game we played at the skating rink after spinning our wheels under the disco ball. This may have captivated our attention and exercised our neural processing power, but place today’s child in front of our old faves and they will literally have to slow their fast neural processing down, ‘dialling it down’ much like a race car only going 20km/h on a straight road. Attention will drift and be hard to ‘hold to task’… it will look like they have challenges staying focused… get my drift? This is not simply a symptom of a technological age, but a symptom of a neurological age, where the children of this world are born with higher functioning non-linear neurology and simply cannot fit the old, and quite honestly primitive, measure of function.
Slow down time and space, stretch it out like silly-putty, to experience ourselves as a discrete entity, having an individual experience, a linearity, of an infinite non-linear universal fabric.. but what if we don’t slow this all down to a minimum spirit-matter engagement, in a clock-measured interval… what if instead, we stretched out, into the fabric of existence beyond our encapsulated ‘self’…the place where the implicit nature and information of the universal fabric of existence is always accessible and informing the present moment. What if we could touch the place where those ‘right-place, right-time synchronicities’ were not a magical moment, but merely a glimpse of a universal precision of all things, always in currency of motion, always in woven interconnected inter-beingness of all form… all dynamics of spirit-matter, constantly unfurling and enfolding as the infinite material of life. What if we could move through our daily life, ever in awareness and inform as, from and to this fabric... to know it as our own cells, and that of others, our insides and outs, the waters of our body and of the rivers and oceans, the terrain of our organs and connective tissue and that of the mountains and highways our footsteps a universal tread, our pathway a shared known foundation. And then we ask our children, what are you choosing to do with this life, from all the many threads that have formed the magnificence of who you are and the path unfurling… the path you will form as it is walked, the shape of your footsteps in action ... that is, a precision of life purpose that unfurls only in the living action of the one who is walking. All threads touching the precision of every moment, and each thread can be thought of as giving specific information from and to the fabric of the form in any moment, that is processed only as an aspect of the whole... from the whole, and toward the whole, in non-self and non-separation. The entirety of weave must have multi-modal sensori-neural input pathways, many levels of incoming consciousness synthesised into neurological wholeness, multi-dimensional, i.e. many points of time, space and dimensional wavelength all informing the present moment… as normal function!
Let’s return to our fast-paced X-box game in a 360 view from our avatar hero, assimilating temporal-spatial information from all directions, taking in the many crazed zombies, split level floors, dead ends and danger zones on all sides… rapidly integrating all the detail informing the next move, and precision of action. If we were to remove say 75% of this view and incoming information, he would be playing at a disadvantage, and if we were to blindfold him we would retard his basic capacity to orient and move through the game. Our hero fallen.
Now lets up-level our avatar, so he is playing all levels of the game simultaneously, integrating multiple levels of incoming information, in time, space and dimension, into one body that can orient and move within this non-linear world. We cannot actually slow this down to any linear view that makes sense, because that is precisely the point, it is non-linear and cannot be slowed down to be understood by a linear brain, or fit into a linear world view. The multiple streams of incoming information are not coming in as isolated pieces or components, they are not ‘conscious’ individual units that are jostling for attention and response, but an implicit harnessing of multiple streams of consciousness / information through many points of time-space, and multiple octaves of dimensional wavelength, all synthesised within a vast neurology designed to function at these levels. To linearise, compartmentalise and separate out the ‘processes’ runs counter to the bio-physics of the circuitry that holds it in function. In the same way linear learning in classrooms is challenging as the circuitry is simply not built for it, the mind wanders, and struggles to follow instructions or perform the simple tasks, apparently unable to focus or retain the instructions. It is asking the neurological system to run counter to its natural function… and thereby be in dysfunction of itself to meet outside expectations of functionality.
This creates a minefield of mental chaos and self doubt for the child, who is likely to already be judging themselves on the wrong side of the right-wrong train tracks. Running such high functioning non-linear circuitry is in itself a task to master… the integration of all the incoming information requires embodiment geometry and circuitry to support the seamlessness of the processing and capacity to formulate output and response/action in the world. Sensori-neural overwhelm is commonplace, too much information to process and no way to make sense of it, and nowhere for it to land. Like unrequited love, or Atlas with the world on his shoulders, holding, processing, creating the solutions, gifting and formulating the answers that the world is not ready or not wanting to receive. Phenomenal unified circuitries unmet, unseen and misunderstood.
Without validation in the world around, or any way to language and communicate the daily function and challenges, this ‘out-of-the-box’ neurology is blowing out into a vast array of childhood symptomology. The main coping mechanism for many children is simply to shut down, and in doing so, locking themselves away in thier own supra-neurological prison. The club-based therapy implemented by self or others ends up looking the same… and its a lose-lose game with multiple diagnoses, social isolation, depression and critical self-analysis dragging the high-functioning child into chasms of darkness, to look more ‘normal’; the diagnosed and medicated teen is the new and accepted norm.
How do our young people even begin to explore the who, the how and the why of themselves if we slam the diagnostic lid down so hard on them, that they walk out of school carrying their DSM labels like certificates of achievement and identity around which all the therapies, strategies and management of dysfunction can orbit for a lifetime of compromised truth. Who is this soul in this body, and how do the soul physics of this being function… the embodiment geometry, circuitries, bio-physics, neurology, bio-form function…where are they showing us their freedom to function beyond all the straight line rules that have come up short…how can we meet, understand and support the gift they are here to give, the brilliance of the soul in form, orienting to and processing the world in many diverse and ‘atypical’ ways that fill the spectrum and blow open the boxes of our black and white world...in its fullest and most magnificent existence.