‘The Mastery of Conception’ Course

Availabe from 24th May 2024

€800 (10% discount for full generative members)

You will receive

A pure cellular teach led by these ‘now’ incoming souls which ignites a clear cellular shift in the family body in:

10 modules containing 14 audio/audio visual recordings (see below)

An individual session to the value of €150

‘The Basics’ audio / audio-visual course to the value of €88

50% discounted access to ‘The Non Duality Incoming Soul’ Audio visual course (total value 400)

your teacher: Joan Harold


This core set of recordings and visuals including a 1-1 session, is a full nourishing physical engagement to the current embodiment consciousness of the souls preparing to arrive to our families. To fully engage in, be enfolded by, and physically move with this information in its pure currency is a true gift. The course and all of its contents is directly naming the absolute clarity in who these incoming souls are, and how they embody from a pure view… their view. When we see from their lens, nothing can be imposed, the limits to which we hold ourselves can be seen and felt and we have access to physical cellular shift in our own embodiment, led in their clarity

The Feeling

A feeling arises, to move into the dynamic of family, or that your family is expanding. You know you want to have a baby, you are entering unknown territory and its all new, loaded with information and advice. Confusing and clear. Both are true. There is a true mother / father love and longing and often a true absolute view and knowing of a soul meant to be in the family...and this can be met in listening.

 The Wait

Many have waited for ‘a’ baby, and grow tired, impatient, wary of all the things we think we have done wrong, disgusted that all the things we have ‘done right’ aren’t working. We may have ‘tried everything’ or we will…again. We might have suffered the loss of a baby, or many losses.. and so our longing gaze, can sometimes hold hurt, love, desperation, even envy. We keep looking towards old writs of ‘how to’. We look at the people with the round growing bumps, the glowing waddling pregnant women, or at those women through time cuddling the babies they have conceived and birthed “just like that” ‘soooo easily’. Their story may not an easy one, but they have ‘persevered’ through hard times, or through assisted fertility, or through prayer faith and healing, fertility tea, pineapple core and pre-conception vitamins. We ask them for advice about the mechanics of their conceptions and pregnancies, wisdom handed to us from those that know…. how to conceive, hold, nourish and birth the baby in the right timings, the right rules….the right measurements of assistance.

We may also look at the ones who are upset at ‘falling’ pregnant, whatever their reasoning. We can’t believe that would ever be a reality. How might you not want a baby or not be ready for one???

In all of this.. is grief, coupled with a true sense of ‘something is missing’, true mother / father love and longing and often a true absolute view and knowing of a soul meant to be in the family.

In the desperation, sleeps someone or something you have felt for a time. Someone who is ‘there’… who you may have heard is a soul waiting ‘to be called’. Maybe you’ve had a reading or someone has told you your womb needs cleansing or grounding or it needs to take flight somewhere… to un-anchor from its earthly burdens. You might feel the pressure to resolve your own traumas before the baby will ever conceive.. Maybe some affirmations or a ritual or two… And then, piled on top of that comes the run of advice about time, time limits, age limits, perimenopause, menopause… you’ve run out of eggs, his sperm are slow.. etc Biological clocks are ticking time-bombs. You need to ‘get real’ and think about making the best of the rest of your life. Desperation often leads to an ‘all or nothing’ attitude.. ‘the only thing that matters is the baby’, no matter how we get there and at whatever time it works to get an egg fertilised. The baby.. at all costs.

No. More. Waiting.

And then a little bit more grief, hope, and prayer.. coupled with a true sense of ‘something is missing’, true mother / father love and longing and often a true absolute view and knowing of a soul meant to be in the family.

Maybe you haven’t waited long… maybe you are here reading this simply because you want to explore the true sense of something,, a true mother / father love and longing and often a true absolute view and knowing of a soul meant to be in the family.

In all our relative waits, we externalise the ‘baby’.

The ‘baby’ is unreachable, or we are unreachable. The ‘conception process’ is something to be figured out and processed towards. The ‘baby’ is like a separate body (or spirit) floating on a little dingy alongside your ship of discontent. So close, but so so far away. Obsession, exasperation, depths of despair… the arms outstretched. In the longing you will do anything to get to that dingy, sometimes you may even drown, or at least feel like you are drowning.


The ‘What if’?

What if you could know the certainty of the baby as a soul-in-action (i.e. you can feel them as they are, right now)?

What if this soul-in-action is the master creator of their own form (i.e. they lead the conception)?

What if the babies coming now are in the mastery of their own conceptions as a timeless action, (i.e. they have always been preparing to conceive)?

What if these babies are the point of reference for themselves, the access, the view and the engagement in every moment - beyond wait. Nothing else.

What if your baby is one of these babies?

What if there is nothing to do but listen?

What if we remove the ‘what ifs’

It becomes direct…. “you can know the certainty of the baby as a soul-in-action, this soul-in-action is the master creator of their own form, the babies coming now are in the mastery of their own conceptions as a timeless action, these babies are the point of reference for themselves, the access, the view and the engagement in every moment - beyond wait. Nothing else. Your baby is one of these babies, there is nothing to do but listen…”

The difference lies between:

hearing the information as a concept, evaluating it as plausible, possible, valuable…. thinking about it……including it in your box of tools towards conception


learning how to listen from the baby who is preparing to conceive, the baby who is not in ‘what if’


The Choice

In any incoming souls work you can be given the information about these now incoming souls and their conceptions, but unless you listen from their body as a referent, it will only ever remain cognitive information… a conceptual theory .. ‘no biggie if I don’t actually listen, it doesn’t impact anyone or anything right?’ or ‘if I don’t listen it will happen anyway, if its meant to be, right?’ Mmm… Yeah, maybe but doesn’t that miss the baby, the embodying soul.. just a smidge?

Through precise listening, your whole orientation shifts from the point of a separate ‘you’ looking towards meeting the baby wrapped in the blanket after birth, to you meeting the baby now, in their timeless form, as your current cellular action. This changes the cellular information and currency of conception… it directly engages the conception point geometry and bio-physics.

The shift in referent towards the conception of these children is the step into the trust of them as the creators of their own form, and in that the shift in your cellular reality to ‘know’ and ‘receive’ rather than ‘reach’ and ‘make happen’. Your choice is literally everything. Because the simple choice to see and feel the conception of the baby, your baby, my baby, from the incoming soul directly, has precision and dynamics that are beyond anything you can control from the wait/reach. It fundamentally means you listen beyond ‘self’ and into the stunning cellular reality of these unified children. Wow!?

The cellular dynamics inherent in your baby’s motion, has form and integrity as a family, in a unified action. It has physics beyond any level of dimensional healing (that may have worked before, up to a certain point in time). And it has directive from the conception body itself.

The precise cellular engage to the children who are conceiving now, is specific. The baby who is conceiving in your womb, is not and never has been in wait. They have been in certainty. The meet of that, through a clear cellular choice is actually beyond any old technique you can use to ‘connect with’ them. The living breathing woven form is a mastery of universal geometry in action. The tiny face looking up at you from your breast is already seeing your face as mother. To ‘listen’, is to filter out all the competing information noise that pulls you from that direct gaze.

To ‘listen’ is to focus 100% on everything contained in that gaze and see the same view. It is to know the cellular touch in the entwined hands as a motion of one mother-baby body. It is to discover who this baby is, what they are bringing to this family at this time, in this form and how this form develops as a human body in all its matter. It is to see the magnitude of the soul preparing to conceive in a wide view, their fabric, their threads, their weave of form as intricately woven through and as you as the same fabric of form. This is the only point where ‘the only thing that matters is the baby’ is in pure truth. From knowing this ‘matter’ as your very cellular tissue form, you begin to know, more fluidly and in daily life, what is actually needed in your body (and the family body), what is the true nourishment for this child to know itself as embryo, foetus, baby, toddler, child, teenager, adult.. as all stages of himself timelessly weaving the known of the family through their fabric in truth and integrity. You can see the daily choices that you make are part of a bigger picture of unity that you didn’t even suspect was there. From that much bigger picture, you can begin to feel the story the child is telling, and allow this to lead you to where you are in meet of them at cellular conception levels.


The Base

All of this juicy fluid territory is here to be explored. It is both known, as a universal physics, and in constant reveal day-to-day as a true base from which to function. The base code and geometry of our template to form and the exquisite essence of who your baby is, directing and revealing their intricate motion to conception.

Creator - Created

And this base has power! ….. Feminine and masculine reproductive systems… the geometry and currency of conception, the bio-physics of union… the one conception body of mother-father-baby has a form and circuitry we can know and truly experience… Understanding oneself as creator, the conception of a child, full in the known nourishment of the Incoming Soul who, from unity, is leading pure union as the divine generative nature of it’s human form as baby.


The Course

10 modules of teaching, sessions and practice (14 recordings) in addition to The basics course (included)

  • Begin + Base reference

  • Where we listen from

  • Who is your Incoming Soul

  • The Currency of Listening + Follow-up

  • What is in a session

  • Why you are here

  • Listening Basics

  • Precision + Precision in Practice

  • Mastery of Conception

  • Substance & Embodiment

  • (What) Now

Mastery of Conception
One time
For 4 months

An audio/ audio visual course led by the Incoming Souls in the current information of conception. A series of easy listening informational modules with follow-up practice sessions that allows the listener to engage with the current information of these babies who are conceiving now into their family bodies. The course includes all foundational audio and audio visual course material.

Mastery of Conception - Generative Membership Price
One time
For 4 months

An audio/ audio visual course led by the Incoming Souls in the current information of conception. A series of easy listening informational modules with follow-up practice sessions that allows the listener to engage with the current information of these babies who are conceiving now into their family bodies. The course includes all foundational audio and audio visual course material.