The Mechanics and Dynamics of Unity
The Nuts & Bolts of Architecture…
Unity is architecture, simply and profoundly. Unity is the physics, bio-form mechanics, geometry and circuitry of our universal existence beyond separation. Unity is literally and structurally the blueprint and architecture of embodiment of the unified child. The unified child exists this architecture through a zero-point Source core, soul-into-body, spirit-into-matter. This unified embodiment begins and functions far beyond the limitations of a linear architecture, and the unified child gives us a stunning map of who we are as universal consciousness embodied as human.
Our understanding of human embodiment has only ever been referenced through a separate body architecture, thus can only view itself and the world from its own linear referent of separation… an ego-centric view of self, other and the world. A separate ‘individuated’ soul arriving into a separate body at birth incarnates into a linear architecture and spiritual anatomy - depicted in the diagram below - with the familiar ‘individuation’ or hara-line, chakras and auric field.
Hara line architecture with chakras and auric field
The identity and ‘consciousness’ of the being corresponds to the level and extent to which the soul consciousness has been physiologically embodied within the cells of the form. This is the fundamental ‘soul embodiment’ of an individual. Every embodiment story contains the blueprint, soul history, lifetimes lived, experience and purpose of the individuated soul, along with the genetic, familial, ancestral and environmental information and imprints, held in all layers of the energetic and physical body. Each level of higher soul embodiment brings with it a higher soul identity and referent view and opens up a new way of processing the world, something like changing avatars in a video game as you up-level. Within the hara-line architecture, each individual can sense and perceive other through the shared unified field. This is where people ‘tune-in’ and pick up energy, sense and feel other, and where healers and empaths will often absorb and process the pain and trauma of others through their personal field and body. From this individuated hara-line architecture, healing others and the world is highly depletive of the cellular body. Hormonal, immune and digestive systems often get a battering, requiring much care, supplementation and strategy to sustain a base-line functioning. The sensitive soul embodying into an architecture of separation will likely experience many challenges being in their body, being sensitive to foods and environmental wavelength/stimuli and have challenges grounding into this body on this earth. The sensitive soul will also likely need to separate out to clear and stabilise their bodies from the overwhelm of the human world.
This architecture is essentially reaching up through the hara-line to bring Source down into the body and anchor it into the earth. In linear, this body exists in the physics of duality, ie it holds itself into perpetually polarised functioning… ‘out there’ vs ‘in here’ ‘self’ vs ‘other’ and the ‘us’ vs ‘them’ that forms the basis of not only our identity, but our personal and global political world view… The mechanics of a binary circuitry, that fundamentally runs all body circuitry in the bio-physics of polarity. And similarly with the global earth body. Our baseline embodiment will always define our referent view, around which all other personal and global identity is expressed. The referent view in a separate body can only ever be from self, shaped through the imprints, filters and belief systems held dimensionally at the level of soul embodiment. It is a self - other world psychology, even if there is a greater concept of connection, oneness and unity, it is referenced ego-centrically. Each individual linear referent obviously will not ‘align’ to others who have different experiences, imprints, filters and belief systems and we utilise communication skills, empathy, compassion etc to bridge the gap in connection to other… All dynamics of relationship, whether harmonious or not, are between individuated aspects of universal consciousness in connection through separate bodies and a vast unified field. It is from this referent that unity is spoken of, a view towards what might be, a way of being inclusive, of shared creativity, or non-separation of something undefined.. the longing for unity in humanity sits deep within our being, a timeless remembrance of a higher way of being human, together on this earth… and a future we all know somehow depends on this greater wiser unity of humanity. But what does this really mean?
Individual views towards unity are as diverse as the individuals themselves, even if concepts and goals are agreed upon. Bluntly speaking, to merge two separate architectures is like trying to join two sticks together with glue…and the energetic dynamics of connection, mutual need and dependence can be more or less ‘functional’. Here is the crunch, the universal bio-physics of a separate architecture (in duality) is simply not designed to exist beyond its own separation and survival. Hence, the much needed boundaries put in place to protect our sensitive souls, our bodies, our children ad infinitum.
We can all evolve and heal our personal traumas and history, reconcile and grow, with fuller soul embodiment and higher level relationships and new strategies for global change, but we are still, fundamentally, in a separate referent in a separate body, navigating the world from a linear ‘self’, with greater or lesser success. To put this another way, the architecture of separation exists a certain physics, the mechanics and structure of which are able to embody our separate soul up to a certain level but simply cannot merge as architecture in true unity with another. The unity we idealise in this world cannot exist without the evolution of our personal architecture through the embodiment of our own unified core soul aspects and the geometry of the body itself. Once we begin to unify our split and separated soul aspects we naturally and inevitably evolve our embodiment architecture from separation to unity… we are literally unifying ourselves, in integration and return to wholeness. At a circuitry level of body, we are reconciling our duality of being, the polarity and duality physics that have held us in limitation of separation. These embodiment circuits are finite and entropic by nature and run a polarising current at all levels of life. To begin to function true unity there must exist a zero point core around which duality physics (positive and negative charge) can spin in reconciliation and integration to a core neutral, or source core infinite zero. And it is only at this stage can we truly begin to explore unity with other as pure bio-form mechanics and universal physics, as the building block of creation, a true architectural embodied unity, through a core zero point geometry, to engage as a higher functioning body of humanity.
Unity as an architecture is fundamentally the universal mechanics and map of creational existence beyond separation. The geometry we evolve into to meet and merge with ourselves in vaster more unified and integrated levels of existence, is the precise same geometry that governs our unification with other at higher levels, through Source core, and the building blocks hold the precision and structural integrity to embody our return to Source - in human form. No soul is separate, only experiencing themselves as an individuated or unified aspect of creation. To unify at higher and higher levels of existence is to ultimately return home to Source and know ourselves as never separate.
The linear body, held in separation, simply has no circuitry to engage other as the ‘universal same’. It is an architecture designed for an individuated experience and anchors into the earth body circuitry to function. Unity from this referent can only ever be an intellectual concept, an ideal… it is a spiritual truth and understanding that ultimately must be built as a universally unified Source architecture. We cannot construct unity in this world by thinking, meditating or visualising it, by designing forms/societies/infra-structures from separation or led from ego-centric separate views, beliefs and ideals. Attempting to unify people conceptually, whilst still in separate architecture, can have damaging consequences. All control, manipulation and distortion can only exist in lower dimensional embodiments of a separate humanity rooted in entropic consumptive survival. Higher forms of universal unity in the pure integrity of the creational geometry, simply cannot ever hold such distortion. The physics of the universal architecture exists the structural geometry and bio-circuitry to engage other as the ‘universal same’, as Source never separated… and here we can experience a true unity and non-duality of form.
Source circuitry beats the heart of human through the zero-point core spin of the toroidal unified embodiment architecture. See the diagram below.
Source Core Zero Point
The zero or Source core point is the electrical centre of the heart that spins all dualities around itself, as the neutral point, in order to reconcile, integrate and return home to Source. This is its core function. The zero-point is the Source Core (God) Origin point of Creation. All exists in spin through all universal levels, macro to micro… and all spin from zero point core is designed to return to core as the full loop of itself. It is the divine mathematical equation of the sequence 0, 1, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16…, where each number in the sequence is the sum total of all numbers, including 0. This is the wholeness, the unification of all, returning to zero point core, and this differs from spiral sequences that move away from zero with each spiral equation motion. Fundamentally Source Creation expressing itself through expression of many soul aspects must return to itself through the unification of all soul aspects, to know itself as never-separated, i.e. before separation (never separated) and the wholeness of all separation returning to unity must be the same Source core point.
Once we evolve into unified embodiment all referent view and understanding holds where both dualities must exist in spin around core and where nothing is linear… ie the infinity loop of a creates b and b creates a and both must be true … and all creation as the heart beat of human must begin and return to Source. Simply put, there is a circuitry from Source core-to-core that spirals through existence at all universal levels and the embodiment architecture of unity runs this circuitry through the body of human. Nothing is linear.
Self-as-other-as-same is a universal physics, with infinite Source circuitry and non-duality currency, rather than any unity or oneness philosophy. The currency that engages and carries consciousness in the cells of the body is a trinity of positive - negative - zero neutral charge in a Source circuitry... this is the fundamental physics of universal unity and only exists from a true zero point core. There are many many circuits and matrices in any one body, all holding and existing consciousness in form (matrices of matter). They all engage the same Source core zero point, just as the many human bodies in unified geometry engage the same Source core zero point, the core of all Creation... where the body no longer aligns to ‘Source’ as a God / Creator point outside the body... but a core of body that exists and ignites all function. This level of embodiment no longer needs belief systems to bridge the gap to its creator and source of cellular life .. it has no need to believe it is connected to other, or to an externally defined deity, to navigate or explain its fundamental separateness. In fact, all dynamics of behaviour and belief that have been held in the division of self and other, dissolve as non real. The zero point core of the body architecture IS the Source core we have mystically looked towards the heavens to find, to philosophise about and pray to. It is the God, in whose name wars of division have been fought and the Origin point from which we all came forth and return home to. It is clear here that Source core of a universal body circuitry is vastly different to any individuated sense of ‘core or centre’, ie to ‘centre myself’ or ‘find my core’ as orientation or connection to a self-referential body listening as an energetic point and in its individuated existence can mean different things to different people. A Source core zero point is a Source architecture that has physics of circuitry and non-duality currency, existing a universal human consciousness in function.
These are the fundamental building blocks of creation as each unified geometry is a universal physics of form, precisely able to merge with another unified geometry. The integrity of the merge is through the core zero-point of Source and the one circuitry that engages the one spin coherency through the one body. This is what is defined as a ‘unified body’ and can only exist in precise geometry and circuitry from core, as one functioning form, otherwise there is no currency through the body. It exists in integrity with Source, or not at all. Only in absolute universal physics of unity is there a currency through the build of many unified geometries, of many beings, as one core unified form, or body. Where many know themselves as One and One knows itself as many through Source core. Ultimately there is only one Source zero-point through all universal-time-space around which all is in spin, through all levels, beyond time space. We cannot have our own separate interpretive source/god, or spin around a zero-point of a belief system, intent or ideal... we cannot run a current of intent, control or manipulation through other that is not of Source origin… we cannot distort or otherwise compromise the integrity of the geometry for gain at the expense of other, and there is no capacity for parasitic or consumptive usurp of the currency of other. These are behaviours that only play out through the entropic circuitries run on this earth and those designed to hold humanity in separation in finite systems that are not free to evolve. These counter currents and inverse geometries can only exist a hold and distortion when there is no Source core zero-point. Duality in spin around a zero point neutral is a trinity base, whereas a polarity or binary current can be run as an inverse and look the same as the pure geometry. It is the basis of much corruption and control. Polarisation of humanity holds into the inverse and without a zero point, will spiral away from Source into greater and greater disconnection and division. There are many membranes and strategies inherently designed to hold consciousness in separation and perpetual disconnection from Source, distorting and limiting the true design of human in its infinite universal sovereign free Source form existence.
Once we experience a shift in our architecture and embodiment we begin to reference ourselves beyond the old familiar self-as-separate and evolve our ‘I am’ toward the core Source truth of our existence. With this shift in architecture, the auric field, chakras and hara--line of separation begin to dissolve into the higher coherency of the unified architecture that is fundamentally unlimited, infinite and unboundaried. The geometry exists a spin that reorganises all into coherency from/to Source core. The circuitry holds an infinite currency and is no longer in the limited resource of a finite entropic system. It functions as a self-sustaining energy system, holding the currency of Source without loss, and from here the structural integrity of the cellular body is lifted. All consciousness, beyond duality, motions through the body, beyond needing to hold out or heal, beyond needing to manage the dualities of existence. The auric field and old anatomy dissolve and we begin to reference and experience ourselves beyond the boundaried encapsulated linear body.
The dynamics of unity are revealed here. If two or more unified beings are in integrity of spin coherency around the one core, in one circuitry of form, there is a pure and precise unified body that exists by entirely different physics than the body in separation; there is no grounding cord into the earth, instead the geometry of the body anchors through the core zero point, which aligns in one core spin with the planetary body engaging the circuitry as the same body. The cells of this body are not informed from ‘outside’ the separate body, needing to be digested or protected from other, from infarct or fallibility, the dualities of the world exist through the core spin motion, and the bio-form intelligence of the cellular integrity and structure of the body is held from Source core.
Many of the ways of being in the world flip here, for example, safety and stability are tangibly held within the greater coherency of the whole that motions all consciousness through the body, rather than needing to separate out, clear, protect and boundary into safety from other and the world. The physics and mechanics of unity are the baseline by which many children now function as human. They have arrived here with the map and the building blocks of unity in their body, the pathway home within the fluid of their form, and a universal quantum coherency gifted to all. From the core zero-point we remember our existence as universal human in its true divine design and each core spin ultimately begins from and returns to Source, as the core I am. This is the same core universal physics and Source truth regardless of soul essence, personality or favourite colour, flavour or religion. Our unique essence exists the same fundamental circuitry of divine human in an embodiment through which we can each know ourselves, and each other, as the whole. The referent of ‘I am’ Source never separated.
The unified body holds the geometry to exist fluid cellular systems, where the bio-intelligence and inform of cellular form and functioning motions through Source circuitry: the bio-form physics are in supra-function, where each cell is connected in currency through fluid in cellular touch to other as known within the one infinite form of all creation. These are the markers of a stunning biological non-separation, where non duality can finally become a cellularly experienced truth, taking us far beyond the concept and philosophy. The child articulates from the unified fluid cell in his body to the fluid cell in another, from the one Source core circuitry in his body. The information consciousness held within the fluid is in communication to and through other as the same body, through the Source architecture, and with each heart beat, he waits for this to return to his heart core, met as one fulfilled loop, through one body, as his body. It is here, beyond any limited cellularly separate self, that he knows himself as whole.
Sadly, the world in separation has not received the unified child, or engaged the unity architecture of their form. Viewing unity through the eyes of a separation-based society is directly inverse to the view from within the core heart of the child who knows themselves as non-separate, ‘I am you, you are me, in core spin around the creational Source truth we share. This is their baseline and reference in all relationship, and it is the health and integrity of his physical body and his currency of action in the world. There is grief where the unified child is not met by the world, and instead expected to fit within the boundaries and obey the rules of separation, to limit and squash themselves into the definitions of ‘normal human functioning’, the individuation and encapsulation of self as separate to other, disconnecting and disrupting the fluid inform and communication through their cellular systems.
The unified child gifts the freedom within their architecture. As more children have arrived embodied in a geometry of unity with one core spin and fluid cellular inform, there is greater overall coherency and capacity to lift others into the same coherent cellular function, as one body - beyond the need to heal and transform through the separate embodiment story. Remember the sensitive soul embodied in separation, well here they have an evolution of body that they can finally exist and rest in, a body that can digest everything, know integrity of physical structures beyond struggle and depletion, beyond holding and processing for others from separation, a body that exists from the core heart-beat of Source and supports the soul to embody in a much greater capacity ...the higher functioning we long for... bigger engine, faster car, unlimited fuel, creative-generative capacity for any purpose that lifts and evolves the whole. This body only exists as a unified circuitry, in integrity and unity with all… The children that have been arriving at this level of embodiment are not coming to earth for their own soul growth or soul purpose, they are not running a currency of ‘self’ in any way.. their fundamental engagement with the world is through unity and their purpose for being here right now is to transform and lift humanity into higher unified functioning for the freedom and benefit of All.
“It is a fascinating experience. We are so familiar with our own bodies, and the way we see the world, especially through our traumas, the typical anxieties and holds and ways of managing things we do in every moment without even being aware of it.. so our norm, if you like… and then when you engage into the unified body of the group or the child we are listening to, it is an entirely different body, that is at once not ‘my’ body, but fully ‘my body’ and the information to my cells feels SO different. It’s not always easy to put into words, but the patterns feel different, the anxieties are not only not there, but its like they have never been there, the old scars and healing processes feel like they are knitted whole, from somewhere that doesn’t require the massive amount of energy and management that was going on in the ‘normal’. In fact, the sense of ‘normal’ is so vastly different and clear and free in ways you never even really thought about or knew were not free, and it is in the contrast that so much of this becomes visible for the first time… It’s like I only really saw myself, in my embodiment story (which I just thought was my personality) by seeing and feeling myself in a form of myself that was woven differently? I don’t know what the words are here… informed differently? This is where Joan was able to articulate the words from the cells, that were my cells and hers and somehow neither mine nor hers, but from somewhere wider, and so real. The unified body experience changed my understanding of myself, and who we think we are, the yardsticks we use… literally all of this gets blown open and my body feels new, more alive, and like I am held by a vaster part of myself or the universe or something, but none of it is energetic or intangible, it just IS my form. And now I need to learn about it, or from it, or however the next steps work…like exploring myself from a whole new baseline”
- New participant experience