Precision of a moment …

Where the fabric is your quantum biology and the quantum universal coherency as the same spirit-matter form

Where the moment is a timeless enfolding of space and time uniquely woven .. informed by and informing the cellular consciousness experiencing the moment and the soul residing therein .. the bio-form knowing no boundary of existence as the material universal earth human molecular touch.. the exquisite many-stranded woven seamless perfection .. precision in full colour.. transparently seen and known, a moment of full presence beyou’d hold or make or intention .. a moment of transcendence of all limitation and separate illusion .. a moment where every thread comes together to express the unknown in fully articulated magnificence .. where we are the observer of ourselves through the eyes of many and see the world as whole.  One as many and Many as one is written in the fabric that exists and enfolds us.. our universe within and without, as the bio-form experiencing the moment that fits us perfectly.. it cannot not.

How do we create our moment, land in it, experience it, embrace it, fumble or fight our way through it, and out the other side.. how are we forming and then meeting each experience we have.. ?

The embodied bio-form is a complex and intricate creational bio-computational system, living light matrices holding coded instruction sets that inform and are informed by the fabric of existence, as all spirit-matter. So, the manifestation of our material nature comes from living matrices of form, nested and interconnected through the fabric of universal time space. These multi-levelled matrices are not static, but constantly evolving as information consciouensess is exchanged .. the blueprints or instruction sets to material form are constantly changing and rewriting themselves based on the processor experience of the form itself.. so can be said to be informing, processing and receiving information from the manifest world.. and the physical bio-computational processor (the body) is receiving and informing the blueprint. Base templates that instruct the shape of matter and are receiving feedback from the living bio-computational system, as an integrated aspect of a greater universal circuitboard and vast body of all creation.

Our base template and many matrices of form are informing our cellular reality and experience of body.. and similarly, all our collective templates and matrices of form in active engagement of consciousness are informing our collective global body and universal reality. Or in simple terms, we are creating the reality we are experiencing, individually and collectively, and in a constant information processing through our bio-form, are able to learn, grow, develop and eventually inform the moment consciously, rather than unconsciously. We can through ownership of our embodiment begin to reinform our matrices of matter and the material world we experience. As one living fabric of all creation.

There is a constant flow of incoming information consciousness into the bio-computational systems of the body, synthesising and integrating personal and universal information through many levels and octaves of waveform frequency, ie time, space and dimension. “Raise your vibration dude”, means that the higher the frequency (or vibration) of energy waveform able to be processed, (translated and perceived), the matching ‘law of attraction’ frequency of experience. This looks like a simple linear equation of raising the base frequency of waveform thought patterns to “attract” or “manifest” a different or higher experience. And living a better moment, possibly with a red sports car or whatever your secret ego wants. However we are not separate linear beings, even if we can view our lives from time, space and dimension slowed down into a ‘so-called’ linear timeline of experience. We can’t make things happen in a straight line.. no matter what we ‘align’ ourselves to or with. Alignment, essentially refers to your individual hara-line or individuated incarnation ‘line’ from source, into a body, on earth.. thus fooling us to think we are liner, and separate. So our energetic bio architecture is processing a ‘separate’ reality, that in reality is not separate.. and the many levels and layers of matrices then create a collective reality from a default setting.. like a binary coded computer program, the off switches and on switches, the broken corrupt lost segments of code.. and we have forgotten we are the programmers and have become victim of our own coding.

So in duality we can consider we are binary coded.. dualism, masculine and feminine, 1s and 0s.. we are experiencing our body through polarity and duality physics of opposing and polarity forces.. we are circuit boards containing many incomplete circuits. The linear binary systems are coded to process (translate and perceive) through duality, right-wrong, inside-outside, us-them etc.. the bio-physics of the form is processing information from ‘out there’ to ‘in here’ and our cells are informed electrically and bio-chemically as such. This bio-computer is creating and processing the world according to its coding. The soul-body physics, ie the embodiment story, holds all the codes, geometry and creational patterns, to construct the world around us that we perceive. Reality. Within this constructed stage, our programming is playing scripting the detail.. what is written in plays out.. we are unconsciously creating the story of our life from our imprinted patterns, held points, trauma, emotional patterns, belief systems and conscripted identities.. aka our personality, our programming and the script that we run about ourselves, at the vibrational frequency of the embodied form ‘The universe brings to you exactly what you need.. ‘ ie you unconsciously create the pattern of behaviour or belief that is carried in your embodiment story, over and over again until you resolve and rewrite the script... ie you evolve your embodiment story. Then a new experience is created and processed to experientially reinform the writ of the life ever-changing. A new moment is created and we experience ourselves anew. And so on… shaping our every moment experienced in time space and dimension.

The brain can only translate and therefore perceive what is coded into the template.. only what it is programmed to, in the instruction set.. The architecture, matrices and code tell the base story.. the embodiment story.. from which we write the story of self, of subjective and objective reality, as perceived by our neurology. The waveform information and currency of consciousness we can process, translate and therefore perceive.. is written in.. and actively informing itself experientially through our present moment..

Each moment is full.. full.. full of information. All information, at personal through to universal levels, is available in each moment.. all informing and informed by the present moment. All symptom is simply information. At a bio-form level we are constantly processing the information consciousness of our existence, through our living embodiment, soul-body physics. The body is a living work of art, it is the colour, the paint, the brush strokes and the canvas upon which they are painted. All symptom is giving detail of the embodiment story as it is lived, in process, in motion of change, ie body symptom is telling us exactly what is happening in our embodiment as it undergoes a given change.. Just as the information we are processing thorugh our bio-form is telling us exactly what is happening in our universal earth human story as it collectively undergoes change... Each moment is full of information about the living creation as it unfurls itself.. good, bad or otherwise.

When we are unconscious of our own embodiment as creators, we fall victim to a world of experience imposed upon us, we feel trapped within our bodies, and trapped within the moment, often wishing to escape it. IF we are honest with ourselves, we are often shit-scared to feel the present moment because of all the information inherent within it.. to be fully present to what is. Over-riding or escaping the moment is therefore a pretty temptation, affirming some better story, tapping some freer feeling, or NLPing some superior programming.. Each imposed intended new story chooses to miss the information currency of the moment. This information currency is what is active and when fully seen and listened to, will re-write itself in integrity and coherency with the soul-body physics of the being within the universal bio-form coherency of creation. We do not need to imagine up a new and better version of our story, when we listen without imposition to the created moment in reveal of the information, it has bio-form currency of motion toward the unity and wholeness of source. So we can simply observe the shift in motion, understanding ourselves more fully and owning our creative potency and generativity.

Let’s look at an example, Many of us experience non-safety as a personal embodiment challenge.. safe to be in this body, in this world. It’s a biggie.. and one might argue that the world at large is not a safe place to be in. Point. So ‘safety’ is impossible to create simply by changing our thinking, imagining or affirming ourselves into true safety. Just as it is impossible to ‘ground in’ to safety through the base chakra etc. Safety and unsafety are umbrella terms that include many levels of matrices and code at a template level and it is easy to see where this coding has been corrupted and distorted through ancient timelines of our betrayed human history. There is no safety without a base.. ie the base code of the human template. Affirmation and all things in that can of 4th dimensional techniques can only change the 4th dimensional level of our created experience. Thoughts of safety cannot change template level embodiment to know safe as body. Safety of embodiment is a wider human template corruption and betrayal, so the resolution is taking place at a higher unified waveform frequency. You can’t personally technique yourself to safety when the inevitable destruction was written in aeons ago. Trapped in the body, or escaping out of it, trapped in the perpetual sense of drowning, loss and inevitable sinking… You can rearrange the deck chairs, or choose to understand what sunk the ship.

So, we can choose to listen to the plethora of information in our current moment. The personal body symptomology reveals our embodiment story .. the family body symptomology reveals our inter-personal embodiment, and the shared global body symptomology reveals our human-earth template embodiment story… The body of the child, at unified levels of body, is articulating the information that is relevant to all.. We are universal beings, with templates of human form designed to hold universally unified coded information. We are built to integrate and synthesise code, to unify and be in union with other, to ultimately return to the unity of Source.. We are creators and the creational code is in the template of our bio-form. As we embody, bringing consciousness into cellular form, we are able to process higher waveform information through the bio-computational systems of our body, and thereby rewriting the base template of form, to be able to hold and embody more information consciousness .. our template evolves and our world changes.

The children born in the last decade have revealed shifts in the base template and creational code. This continues to evolve, and as the planetary body holds the corresponding architecture, these template shifts are available to all humanity.. and our base changes. This is a wider unified currency of inform at base template levels of form, and taking place ‘outside’ our personal self-focused healing. The access is simple, and the information is bottom-up not top-down.. it is not a cognitive process nor a healing technique. It is not happening in the separate encapsulated self, as the information currency has nowhere to go, cannot be translated, nor perceived. The base template codes, creates and informs the limits of our experience, created, translated, perceived, understood. The access is beyond the self.

Have you noticed how calm and content many of the new babies are.. say, in the last 6 months or so. Gentle, happy babies, content, calm, placid.. ‘easy babies’. Notice the comments from parents and grandparents.. ‘how lucky’, ‘got a good one’, such an easy baby’, ‘not like the older one who is far more fussy’, ‘not demanding at all’ ‘wakes up happy’, and so on. Seeing without seeing the baby in the new architecture.. a shift in the template, how the soul engages the body, more complete coding, babies born with a zero-point circuitry, core constant currency, non-duality incoming souls. The coherency and integrity of soul-body physics is tangible. The stable solid zero point circuitry that has rest within the body.. notably the absence of the non-safety in the above example.. a baby that arrives knowing body as safe, as full, as home, at template coded levels, will create a very different world.

We are quantum processors, processing universal consciousness in bio-form. Creators of our own creation. The access and information now available through the more complete template and earth architecture …