The Art, Architecture & Mechanics of the Incoming Souls
It’s a love story, more than anything else, a new incoming soul arriving to a beloved family… but it is far more… as we know, humanity is a complex animal, and the history, politics and society pages of our journal can be beastly… the future of our species and planet precarious and our understanding of ourselves hilarious - if you take the overview perspective at the highest perch….Its a game, without any of the players knowing the rules or even the point and purpose of existence, a game lovingly and cruelly played, saints and sinners… the writ unknown. And enter stage left, the incoming soul, arriving from a home origin, with purpose, an incoming soul with Source coded information arriving through consciousness gateways to be born on this earth now… born into this game humanity is playing, aware on the way in… not randomly, blindly and not a blank slate babe… the incoming soul knows exactly who are they are as they prepare to conceive, and exactly why they are here… now… There are two views that change the game, or how we play the game.. the view on the way in and the view on the way out.. If we had access to one or both imagine the different choices we would all make. The universal spirit-matter mechanics of birth and death.. soul in and soul out.. preparation to arrive, preparation to depart, and everything in between. Moreover, knowing who you are why you are here and what you need to accomplish before you are done here, would give you a foundation upon which to base your life…it would inform and define every aspect of how you lived your life. Imagine the difference if we all started out with this baseline information, how our self development, our relationships our society and our future could be formed… without wasting energy on the dead-end narratives and religious-spiritual-scientific pathways and proclamations, without the ‘Where’s Wally?’level of navigating and orienting to daily life.. we would have the opportunity for something more.
The precision of the incoming soul birthing into form for this life is a richly woven story and one that we all share. Each and every incoming soul has a part of the story, unique and universal threads of one vast fabric of existence, with specific co-ordinates in the time-space of their conception into the baby body of mother-father. Each soul a unique stitch loop of consciousness, spirit-to-matter-to-spirit, each with vast universal soul origin information and timeless quantum knowledge of the body of humanity they are birthing into. The mechanics of conception are based on the same union geometries in zero point circuitries as the vast universe in spin… and we can engage the incoming soul consciousness, and listen.to the story of their being, at every level as they come into form. Their story, their embodiment and their soul consciousness hold the keys, the codes and the gateways for us to know and come home to ourselves…
The incoming souls have given us a map… through the child we know the map and through the map we know the child
Each incoming soul has a signature, the ‘essence of their being’ and an embodiment currency that is present and recognisable long before conception. Each is in a similar but also unique process of preparation to conceive based on the ‘embodiment story’,…that is, the specific nature, origin and purpose of the soul and the level of active embodiment architecture.. this is the soul-into-body physics that determines the physiology of the newborn. The more we understand the embodiment of the soul into the bio-form physics, the more we are able to move with, participate in, and meet our incoming soul in their conception and embryological development in the womb. The more we engage in, and are enfolded by, the embodiment currency of our incoming child, the more we ourselves embody through the process of birth, ultimately meeting our new baby in the fullest integrity of mother-child.
Connecting to the incoming soul is not an ‘out-of-body’ experience. They are not spirits in any diminutive of this term, referring to souls that float around in the ‘spirit-world’ or astral plane, where the dis-incarnate entities all hang out.. they are not in the psychic realms, hanging out with uncle Joe who passed over, and they are not jumping on a conveyer belt queueing up to ‘come earthside’ and play like baby dolls. They are also not ‘made-to-order’ as much as the world may think they hold the reigns on biological reproduction. The whole incarnational process is less about ‘trying to conceive’ and more about receiving the incoming soul present. In the presence of a soul embodying we are held and enfolded in the universal fabric and core heartbeat of the baby in their preparation, as they weave their consciousness into form. If a soul is present to conceive, then all ‘fertility issues’ are merely processes of transformation, reorganising and reinforming mother-father body embodiment. The incoming soul is always in a directive and clear lead as they create their form, and the precise the ignition of their life.. designs and builds the body, a bio-mechanical mastery, cellularly assembled according to blueprint instructions, a miracle of form.. birthing into time-space with all their electrons in right spin, core heart, spinal cord, soul articulating as matter, ignition. Once you feel the true essence and currency of your baby-to-be, this becomes the referent of body, your body, the conception body, the truth of body, of who this little one is, how, when, where, why.. all your questions answered and the dis-embodied advice can all fall away, the good intentions and theoretical know-hows.. Your child is defining themselves as ‘this is who I am’ and all else is ‘not this’ and they reveal the details in the details of every-day life. Their touch and information is in everything once we know how to listen..
For the spiritually aware, it has been an age of hold, of literally holding ourselves in our bodies... holding our light in the darkness, holding ourselves together in the chaos, holding in and holding out, what is safe/toxic, what is me/not me… It has been an aeon of effort of holding the soul into the body, holding the light particles together in some way that can be ‘a body’ and can be in this world… the referent of ‘okness’ and the effort to find it, to glimpse it, wrangle with it, to grab hold of it and never let it go.. the effort to be the ‘you’ of your soul, in the ‘you’ of your body and the incoherence, dis-integrity and frustration constantly experienced in the gap… ie the split of soul and body in duality. So many techniques, effort, discipline, practices and processes.. a long long list of doing-things… to be in a body, to be healthy, to be energised, to be grounded, to be present. It is an unknown quotient to feel right, to know yourself in truth of who you are embodied, that does not depend on doing something to get there. Figuring out what to do…another technique, another practice, another book on the shelf…
The incoming souls have told their story cellularly, ‘this is my body’, this is ‘how I body’, ‘this is the story of how body has evolved’… It is all cellular information, a cell-to-cell communication, direct. It is not cognitive information and it is not channeled from some dis-embodied ‘higher source’ wavelength origin through subjective receivers. Embodied cellular consciousness has currency, and cellular information has a visceral experience - we see, feel, hear and know, beyond our cognitive… We get to feel and experience the story in our own bodies, and its always personal, whether they are our own children or not…Every incoming soul gifts us a universal personal experience, the cellular truth of who they are, and why they are here, personally and universally, And we get to meet them in the body, the now body, in the cellular truth of who we all are…the currency of our consciousness embodied beyond separation. And it is here that we can experience and know truth, beyond gap, beyond loss, beyond narrative and belief, beyond cognitive, beyond subjective, it is here that we get to touch the true Source of our genesis, and begin to understand who we are... blinkers off.
The ‘new children’, the ‘Indigo’ or ‘star’ children arriving with higher consciousness and purpose, have been around for decades, and many of these Indigo souls are parents to the children arriving now… Many many souls coming to earth with active and awakened consciousness, souls that have come in from higher levels of the universal game to awaken and change the course of humanity… big purpose with big responsibility. These star souls have not necessarily been on the earth treadmill and are not merely more awake versions of the old human template in which most everyone is still sleeping … These children are now building and birthing higher more evolved templates, and in reality are new humans, and integral to defining and creating our future. Many parents can recognise a significant change in the children born after 2012, but that is typically as far as the awareness goes… there are simply no references for these children in the old textbooks, yet we acknowledge the fate of humanity is in their hands. As parents-to-be we don’t get to press pause on the conception and birth of our children to go off into the spiritual desert or sit atop the mountain for lifetimes of spiritual study…in fairness, we don’t really even get the time for the personal development we may have ideally wanted to do before starting a family in the first place. Working on ourselves to become the best version of ourselves before bringing in children, and where does one start to orient to parenting a ‘new child’ that has more spiritually awakened mojo and purpose from the get go?
An arriving soul with a precise purpose has clear conception and birth information. The pre-conception time is full in preparation at many levels, and as parents we are inherent in the weave of consciouensness of our incoming children. As mother we are the heart, the soul and the womb enfolding, nourishing and growing the child, their embodiment held within our body, their soul informing our cells, as one body. The body of mother is a gateway for birth, ever transformed, ‘before’ and ‘after’ defining who she was and rewriting who she is…but more so now than ever. These new children, as they are born. are a gateway for us to move through, into radical bio-spiritual template shifts. A quantum leap in the embodiment of consciousness through the gateway of birth. The gift of all gifts is that the beautiful babe in your arms also births with her or him a spiritual-physical leap forward .. a rapid rewrite and reorg of your base template and consciousness body. These are different souls with advancements on the old architecture .. and we are gifted, lifted and along for the ride .. learning in the moment as we feed and love and clean and tire.. as we give our heart and soul to raising our children they are teaching and reinforming and quantum leaping us .. without the lifetimes of study .. without the theoretical framework, without even a road map .. we are on a whole new adventure ..
The embodiment information your children gift you is experiential, felt and seen and known in the body in the moment .. it is precise and languages through geometry and code, consciousness carrying waveforms that move and shape and build .. as we wash smeared faces and bottoms and wear the stains on our shirts like a badge of parenthood .. the territory is mind-boggling and yet we need to keep pace on a feelings level .. to know what we are feeling in body, as body, from baby and what it means.., how to listen and how to respond. As a new mum I chose the nappy-free baby-wearing approaches, determined to learn how to listen to my tiny baby boy… there are so many levels of listening to our babies, as they present as incomings, as they grow in our wombs and as we birth them into their perfect little baby forms, seemingly apart from us, a newborn child in the world, and yet never separate from our core heart-of-hearts. And we know these beings so intimately, yet are learning every day to understand their needs and interpret their scrunched up fists and cries and gurgles. Without using nappies adds to this list interpreting their signals to pee and poop. This is a level of listening to pre-empt the pee and take them to the toilet or hold them over a dedicated pot. There are external signals some babies will exhibit when they need to pee.. subtle yet overt communication... but I found the body level of listening to be far simpler.. and similar to how I listened to him throughout. When my baby needed to pee, the thought and feeling was suddenly present in my own body, as a need.. and in making the singular step in awareness to recognising it was his body I was feeling, and pee was imminent, we caught 90% in the pot. It was a non-separate signal through our shared body of mother and baby.. It would be years until I understood the dynamics of one unified body and the cellular communication that had always been taking place. When we begin to listen beyond our separate body, there is a phenomenal and constant cellular communication taking place between mother and baby. Listening to the soul needs and the physical needs are no different, and ultimately the soul-into-body needs, where we fully meet our embodied little one.
Listening to and supporting our children in their new embodiment, when they are living spiritual-physical experiences that we have no referent for, or understanding of, takes parenting to the next level... when we need to meet them and hold them in a body of consciousness experiencing and articulating something we have no framework for and is far vaster than anything we have been taught. We are brought to a pause-point, where we can’t just keep going through the same old motions and must step-up-to-the-plate. The How-to luckily is all present within the embodiment of our new born baby… It is all in the shift in referent. The teachings of embodiment, enlightenment and the ancient mysteries are not a requisite course of study for these babes as theirs is a consciousness of now.. of the earth, birth, and global humanity today... of coded templates holding keys for our tomorrow, of the substance of soul articulating form today... new information that is now quantumly accessible... and the tapestry and the map and the translation are all in the cells of the body of the child playing on the floor. So what is presented here is the map of the motion, the embodiment physics and quantum physics in a nutshell, the history and choices of humanity to this point… A map of how to navigate the light and dark matrix... play the gameboard... and understand the rules and dynamics in play… the mechanics of the game, and the bio-spiritual mechanics of the body playing the game. It is not intended as the intrepid journey of a solo traveller, as we cannot walk this road in separation. It is by no means comprehensive theoretical or practical teaching... but a simple, profound cellular access to the map and the quantum leaps in the shared human universal game of life .. gifted by all the incoming souls over this last 12 years x
The incoming souls have delivered this body of work. Each and every incoming soul has gifted us an understanding of who they are, how and why they are conceiving into the world today. The understanding of conception is a vast and divine science, the precise conception geometry and soul-bio-physics of conception through union is just part of what they have shared. The whole game is far bigger than we comprehend and as each new incoming soul is preparing and conceiving the share their embodiment story, which is far more than a personal story family connection and cuddles. These souls have given us a first hand view into their reason for being, their soul origin and purpose here. Each has gifted us the universal physics of ‘how it all works’ at an incarnational level, and then the personal story of their arrival now… the global earth body consciousness they are arriving into and why now, what precisely they are bringing to this earthly gameboard, the bigger role in this universal game. Each soul has gifted us a piece of a map, thier now embodying soul consciouenss and the wider history of humanity, our origins, and deception, our rise and fall, and show very clearly the choices that have been made throughout time to this point and the choices being made towards a future of destruction. Each soul arriving here with a purpose to change the future trajectory of earth, has a view to the thresholds, the crisis points and wider choices.. the personal life choices and the pivotal game-changing global choices. These souls have given us a referent through which we can see the game being played… they hold keys and codes that unlock our past and our future, they hold gateways to worlds beyond this one, and access to home realms we have longed for, they embody with information we have lost, source codes we have searched for and mythologised. Most importantly they embody unity through the zero point of Source in open engageable unified body circuitries, to build unity in other, in their families and communities. The unity architecture is gifted directly to the mother through conception and birth. Direct cellular inform of same-same architecture through birth.. its a unified body, as mother to this baby it is part of their birthing process. The unified heart of the child knows no other way. This is the way home to Source, and the logos of unity is the language of their soul and body from the get go. This is their story.
The incoming souls give direct cellular information, the language of the logos, the universal unity embodied,, It is not a colour by numbers in that we do not have the numbers first and then apply a colour… They do not give us a theoretical teaching, an intellectual concept or philosophy, they do not give information to the cognitive brain for which it must wrangle and analyse, tease apart and evaluate, they do not give information that comes from ‘spirit’ or another dimension and must be digested or grounded into this reality, again subjectively processed according to the receiver.. and they do not give a theoretical answer, gnosis or picture of a geometry that we figure out how to arrive at, or make it spin, or manifest it. And in precisely the same way they are clear that none of these approaches make happen the conception of their form. The incoming souls, in every instance, gift us their incoming consciousness, unique and universal, to experience in our cells as our own body, direct, pure and unified... they gift us their creational motion toward conception, they gift us their unique essence, show us how the weave themselves into being, the gift us the knowing of them as embodied infomration, how they engage their body, how they posture and function their form, how they move and articulate themselves, how they touch the people and the world around them, how they dance and how they transform, we are given the colour and the feeling and the dynamic creation in tangible touchable feelable body motion and when they are received and heard cellularly the mathematics are inherent, the precise geometries and codes in action reveal the bio-spiritual understandings. The cells know, and the information is shared cell to cell, body to body unified circuitries have currency through many bodies. Sharing the template information is a bit like file sharing and learning experientially how the cellular form of the child functions and behaves. We understand who this child is in their body, and our own cellular matrices are upgraded in the process. It is a win-win. Note, the baseline Unity circuitry through zero holds absolute integrity and shared information has a precise shared experience / exploration as a unified body territory.
Mechanics of the Game
Spoilers: it is not a fair gameboard - if you want to change the game, it is important to understand the mechanics of the game you are playing…
Eternal, infinite, immortal generative
It is clear to see that talking the talk doesn’t necessarily mean walking the walk .. we hear so much talk of eternal life, and infinite consciousness and the immortal soul .. and the concept of a source creator ‘God’ personified in some grandiose out there controller way .. loving or wrathful ..but typically in charge of a creation of containment .. a finite universe in which finite life forms play out war games to the death .. and speak of prayers and holy scriptures and manifesting intentions and sending love and light and healing .. and the words infinite eternal source light architecture have no truth or currency or substance of form.
Beyond the bounded entrapment of this closed and inverted system .. the natural organic source architecture and expression of life is generative, infinite and eternal .. mathematically, universally through the templates of waveform patterns of sound and light codes that create material life.. the creation of matter has instruction sets that are naturally and organically infinite.. unless they have been messed with, corrupted and ultimately inversed. Every true divine geometry with creational structure and code has a dark inverse design that collapses structure, compacts and limits the molecular matter and through reversal currency ultimately dead-ends the form. Hijacking and harnessing the true source geometries of creation that are designed to hold and run infinite source currency is sn easy way to feed off the eternal living light .. in a consumptive parasitic capacity .. a finite entity feeding to sustain itself and build anti-source controller power over this universal time space matrix .. God is not something we need ever kneel and be subservient to, beg and barter for salvation or follow an agenda-led fall-by-design dogma into the gates of hell . Those who have set themselves on the throne of being a ‘God’ to lesser mortals, have done so through removing the code connecting us to our true creational origin and source. Take the centre out of the cinnamon bun, the core of the spiral that sustains our infinite creation code and creational capacity, and you can pretty much make up the rules of the game to suit. A finite energy system needs a source of energy to sustain itself.. and herein the matrix is created…
An eternal source template is precisely that .. the light encoded template geometry, light and sound waveform patterns to create matter as living generative and infinitely sourced. The architecture is mathematically a precise source code generative of itself and sustained by the light sound pulse out-breath and in-breath of God .. the creational centre point of all union .. The structure exists to hold the code that receives and generators the currency (information consciousness units) .. and the infinite never ending eternal supply/ font of Source .. with the principal understanding being that the tap has not only been turned off but has been redirected into a currency feed and usurp of our true and rightful eternal light (energy/power/consciousness). Imagine you had a font that was ever-full or a bank account that maintained a full level of currency that continually flowed without ever running out .. as long as it was directed snd moving through creational geometry and generative waveform patterns to material existence .. the basecode and the keycodes for the infinite source geometries are in the genome and placing artificial technologies and geometries over these access codes traps the currency feed into the inverse geometries based on black hole architecture and through the blood gives controller rights, tightly bound with promised loyalty. The dominion of the dark angels.
All true source architecture is based on zero point source code, with pure creational physics and mechanics. The establishment of base unified body circuitry runs a true source current through which the hijacked code and architecture is neutralised and disassembled.. an inverse currency simply cannot run through a source circuitry with zero point physics. The artificial code to usurp and infiltrate wavelength has no engagement and the smoke and mirrors sustaining the choice clears away and the mechanics of the game are seen. In each moment we have a choice and the blindness encoded in the betrayed template ensures the choice into loss, destruction and servitude. In each moment there is a choice to Source, freedom and home, there is a choice from seen, from a basecode of unity beginning at the zero point.. through the zero point of source we can access ALL true creational source code and architecture at all levels of this universal game . these are the creational mechanics
The only way out of this game is through the zero point core at the centre of the union of all creation . these are the true creational mechanics and there is simply no access from the separate ego body.. there is no take for self..there are steps of reactivating DNA at the each dimensional level, all leading toward unity and return to wholeness…. the base code of unity is the be all and end all and can be the point of engage through the cellular bio-form physics.
From the base-code of unity it is possible to share template info (much like file sharing) and engaging unified cellular realities, learning experientially how the form and function behaves .. the baseline unity circuitry through zero holds absolute integrity and shared information has a precise shared experience / exploration - unified body territory. More…
The Logos
The word is God, in the sense that it is the logos and language, the original sound tones. The logos is the organising principle, the Source intelligence of creation, the core around which all is organised, and therefore the core bio-spiritual-intelligence of our human cellular experience… the word is the language (light and sound tones) of Source creation expressing itself.. The language is geometry, mathematics, codes, a currency of consciousness in waveform motion. The core is both the centre point around which all is in constant creational motion, in the in-breath and out-breath of the creator… at every level.. This expansion and contraction has electrical and electro-magnetic physics of action. The light consciousness of our soul is expereincing itself within this 3rd dimensional electro-magnetic domain, with waveform information potentials in many dimensions of time and space. Each dimension is essentially a bandwidth of waveform frequency carrying information and higher soul identity. The original human template (blueprint to form) has a 12 dimensional instruction set, many layers of which have been offline and non-operational. The wavelength patterns and codes held within our many matrices of form determine our biological expression, function and ‘health’. Here the health of the system is determined by the functioning levels of template information and coherence, ie the instruction sets that are online and informing our cellular experience.
A matrix is essentially a set of instructions, held within geometries of divine structure and mathematics, they are the schematics and blueprints to organise and give form, shape and substance to the material world.. organising and holding integrity of atomic structure and all bio-physical action. The matrices hold the coded information that is articulated as form. When these templates are complete, whole and in purity, there is a pure articulation of form, a soul-body integrity and freedom. The matrices of the human template have been corrupted and re-engineered to limit our creational capacity in these biological forms. Altering the base code and reversing the geometries changes the mechanics of the game… ceilings are artificially created to hold our infinite consciouensss inside finite boxes, so we are unable to develop, embody and move throughout the higher dimensional levels and star gates of this universal system. The entrapment shuts us down into a soul-body split, or dis-embodiment, where we are trapped into what is referred to as ‘the matrix’.
Source Creator God is the core of all pure creational matrices. These creational matrices all hold geometry in spin around the core zero point of Source, the centre point of all union and the source of eternal light, the infinite waveform consciousness engaging the out-breath and in-breath of creation. Thus the fundamental creational mechanics of this and all universal systems is based on the zero point mathematics of infinite God Source Creator, and the Source code creational of all form. In a nutshell, long before time began as we know it, a collective of beings chose to step out (fall, basically exiting themselves from Source core and the eternal light current sustaining all life. Without the light of Source they became what we might call ‘dark’ and without the coherency of source became forces of chaos. Additionally without the eternal source light they were sustained through consuming the light of others, what we might call parasitic or consumptive. It can be understood as an inverse creational matrix, which has a finite energy supply and must take and feed off others to survive. These are closed systems and the electrical and electromagnetic mechanics have been reversed and polarised to run binary reversal currents and counter currencies (polarity mechanics without a zero point)…these ultimately keep humanity split, ie soul-body dis-integrity or disembodiment. This dis-embodiment is essential to harvest and feed off the currency generated by the biological form, and the inverse or dark matrix is holding the corrupted information and architecture, feeding the narratives that keep humanity running the dead-end anti-life spirals. Everything in this universal time space matrix is originally in creational motion from and to the zero point of Source and our true human creational potential as God consciousness in biological form. The zero point is the core of all union, the core of all coherency, the integration of all divine masculine and feminine duality. The creational mechanics of unity of duality. This is what is known as the trinity - positive, negative and neutral - proton, electron and neutron -, and always has a waveform motion from and to source zero. Without a zero point all hell breaks loose!
So, the logos is Source, the core of creation that is the union of all, it has a trinity waveform currency and the zeropoint of union is the organising principle of life. In short, when humanity lost the zero point architecture it fell into chaos and darkness, the return is only through re-establishing the zero point and the logos of unity, resurrecting the universal coherency of our cellular bio-spiritual forms. All 12 dimensions of the soul are enveloped and enfolded into the cinnamon bun.
The human genome has untold potential
Source code of the creator is the basis of our genesis .. and these biological forms hold full creator human potential .. the stargate access to this universal matrix is key coded within the genome .. we have access keys and codes to move through the many stargates on and off this planet and throughout the many universes.. we also hold the capacity to reunify the lost and broken code of our star and human brothers and sisters back into wholeness .. Regenesis of our full biological capacity .. Source code is not junk DNA.. and what we have lost defines our humanness today .. the de-natured genome has lost the core and the code of its true divine nature. to unify is to put the broken pieces back together again, to unify is to rebuild, resurrect and regenerate, to unify is to integrate and synthesise to wholeness .. to unify is to rebuild the integrity of the design .. to unify is to return home to the source of all creation . Our incoming souls know us through time eternal in pre-matter states .. they know us in our precise unique coordinates and know how to reassemble our broken pieces .. the fragmentation of our personal and our vast universal .. they know the threads that have woven us into who we are today and are able to reweave many of these formative threads upon their entry .. the pre-conception period is rich and full with regenesis. Back in the day when souls were more or less cycling around lower dimensional realms of spirit in and out of earth bodies this was not the case .. who the soul is and the time space dimensional consciousness of the being determines the pre-conception and conception process .. and obviously everything from thereon in. To study how a soul arrived Into a body 50 or 100 years ago and apply that spirit-to matter information as a teaching for babies born today is a grave oversight that imposes rather than listens .. in fact all constructs of birth hold into a view that is not able to see or be informed directly by the incoming soul .. the one conceiving is the one with the view to their conception .. everything else is something else .. it is never the case that incoming souls tell us things or give messages or information that fits nicely within the constructs and theories we already hold. and IS are definitely not giving us Angel card messages of trust and intuition and positivity. These are high level souls with precise and purposeful incarnation information and preparation .. imagine Mary being given a spirit baby reading saying ‘your baby is excited to come to earth and play with you, learn to trust your intuition and your baby is xyz.. ‘ as a Christed embodiment there was vast complex source coded information in that ‘immaculate’ conception .. the arrogance and ignorance to think we know how it works based on whatever belief we ascribe to is the most common shut down to the incoming soul information .. it is in most cases direct clear and tangible .. and the question that is asked most often in this work is why not listen ? the blinkers and blinders of humanity to its own origin and divinity.. holding out the information of the incoming child because it has a source core zero point architecture shows just how far we have fallen and taken on hook, line and sinker the inverse narratives …
Truth has currency .. this means that information from source core has currency of waveform motion through source circuitries .. so the information is in motion and communication through the body .. cell to cell and body to body ..the logos and language of source is in right motion through the body, as the body, from the body, to the body . the expansion and contraction has geometry and spin and mathematics that are generative and infinite To inverse this in a non zero point architecture is to run a counter currency that is degenerative and finite. so in simple terms one spirals the source code of life and the other is an anti-life spiral .. (or a Christ and an anti-Christ spiral). The Embody the Soiral work began in 2012 as the incomings started arriving with a zero point ‘spiral’ engaging soul into body and soul into mothers body through this source architecture. It was a significant threshold of shift away from the linear bio-spiritual anatomy of hara-line or linear architecture. This was a catapult point in our human evolution .. a quantum leap through an evolution on the embodiment template to birth. Parents recognised a shift took place around 2012 and the children born since are somehow different .. new children ..
The unified child is born with a zero point… plain and simple. They arrive with unity architecture, the template, the logos, the code and geometry and the language of unity in their cellular structure. The unified chid embodying through a zero point architecture creates a zero point conception. A conception point is built as a trinity waveform in zero point geometry - the trinity of mother, father and child is the core divinity of our existence. Nowhere can we see this more clearly than in the conception point mechanics. The trinity IS the divine union or triune of masculine, feminine and zero point neutral of source core. It is the conception point of life, creation in its pure mechanics generative motion from the core of source god creator.. human biological conception must, by nature of the divine physics and creational mechanics, be of the same design. The immaculate conception is of immaculate union. The conception point of each incoming soul is in build throughout their pre-conception preparation.. this is NOT an angel card reading of ‘trust in your spirit baby’ or prayers or manifest your intention.. In all honesty, it is a grave insult to the incoming soul to interpret them in such a way that so minimises and distorts the purity of the conception and high level creational mechanics in action. A diversion, a duplicity and a distortion to mess with the pure creation mechanics accessible as they are arriving into form. We can see this in many many facets of the world today when we look at the dynamics in play that lead us to ‘fall by design’ .. What are the images, the fears, and the stories, that come to mind when you consider ‘the future of the human race’. What does this look like.. what do you see?
The incoming souls teaching us creational union mechanics and immaculate conception are arriving at pivotal points in our timeline. The incoming souls are always bringing in preceisly what we need to meet the wider global consciousnes in motion at the time of their birth. As we are pushed further into extreme polarisation and uncertainty, they are born with non-duality zero point architecture, able to hold coherency and certainty amidst chaos.. a neutral constancy in the midst of polarised forces in the extreme.. a clear certainty of future in the face of the inevitable destruction and loss of our species and planet. This is not just magical positive thinking.. a baby cannot give you an angel card that says the future is going to be ok, when it is not. The horseshit may drown out their voice, but the articulation from the body of the incming child tells the story of our now moment, humanity’s past,, present and future. And who they will be, as they embody and stand in their fullness, in their adulthood, in the embodiment of their design in a world that will not live the foretold dystopian demise. The truth of the cellular information is consistent in all babies born and the story is stunning to behold… it is clear, embodied and shareable as cellular information.. we only need to stop and listen.
You spin me right round baby right round ..
Your unified child is holding a zero point coherency of spin for the entire family in all its aspects and will run a circuit of unified current through the individual members of their family, friends, community (snd wider) as an instrumental core .. creating coherency in the world around them .. these are the fundamental creational mechanics of the child .. assembling many pieces into an integrous whole.. the unified currency can be felt tangibly moving through all bodies and the transformation snd resolution of personal snd interpersonal aspects is organically reorganising .. spinning into coherency .. the swings and roundabouts of life bringing rightness to each snd the whole. Often they may simply be the kid asleep on the couch in the middle of a family drama .. or the kid in the playground quietly doing his own thing .. it is inherent and the child is in constant active creational motion toward coherency, wholeness and Union. This was incredible to witness in the non-duality babies born during the pandemic extremes of separation and polarisation .. they held a constant core coherency and non-duality zero point spin .
The unified child has been a core part of this world since 2012, arriving with their ‘builder templates’, ie the capacity to build unity in other and in the structures of this world . The building of unified architecture has been fundamental to the conception mechanics throughout the last 12 years. Phenomenal embryological differences have been revealed in a constantly evolving nature. Each wave of incomings has effectively built on the previous wave, architecturally-speaking. And in doing so, have built template structures to embody vast high level incoming soul consciousness, previously unable to enter and embody on earth due to the collapsed gateways, held ceilings, walls of time and other ‘do-not-enter’ lockdowns There is a closing chapter for these children as we approach Dec 2024, a 12 year period of time in which they have worked hard, to counter the counter spins, integrate the dualities, hold the coherency, and build the architecture.. a unified body built through every level of the form, to integrate and synthesis the codes of home. Many many children with fundamental template shifts into unity architecture have changed the game for us all. These souls brought with them the codes of their origins, like packets of information carried in their geometric light-code waveform patterns, able to move through unified body systems, similar to today’s smartphones, seamlessly integrative with many devices. These children are creational builders in a world of separation and duality/polarity forces, able to build unified bodies through many timelines and origins ..creating vast unified circuitries through many bodies, able to run zero point currency as a single coherent ‘body’. Integrative and structural, these children have been essentially ‘birthing the firmament’ of the many stars, bringing the heavens to earth and creating the material substance of a unified humanity, all the while teaching us what unity really is in their body. These souls are designed to function in the freedom of vast unified circuitries and a neurology of many-as-one. Like little super-computers running vast and high level universally coherent information, rebuilding the architecture of this planet as they go…these are the ones who have built the base, the heart and the home of the form.
New children old Techniques
New children old techniques .. fallen templates, origin templates, new templates .. it’s a lot to navigate if you don’t understand your dna strands from your spaghetti strands .. the focus is on feeding this beautiful child, caring and nurturing . cleaning and often just getting through the day .. no time or energy or bandwidth left for locating missing dna, did it get lost under the bed with last years rag doll.. or stuffed in the wardrobe .. maybe it’s in the washing basket under the table. And that really is the whole point.. we don’t need to know .. or figure it out or study the ancient texts .. These are new children and the architecture is built to enfold and Inform .. to gift the base matrices and codes of their bodies in true unified body style .. as one body. It’s stunningly simple by design, the quantum leap is held in the body of the child, our child, lifting us to the same domain of embodied consciousness .. the same source code information currencying through the family body snuggled up in front of the cartoons on a Sunday morning .. the same cellular information in touch and hold and enfold .. heart to heart, core to core .. so we are being re-templates.. re-built.. to our true design.. the source circuitry engages a flow of source light currency through the body .. in rightness of geometry and code .. without needing to do the work .. without needing to figure it out first, without needing to traverse the labrynth of light and dark.. We are reassembled into wholeness and from the more complete template have a view toward our assemblage that reveals all the lost snd broken pieces .. from the referent of the child’s body template we can see our own… and the gaps and misinformation, snd lost codes are brought into sharp focus. We can see what could not be seen from within the fallen template. After the cells are reinformed and rebuilt, the template re-established, then the information embodied in the cells informs our new understanding. Then we see what could not be seen, and know that which could not be known until felt as a cellular truth.
What we can pay attention to is whether there is currency or.not in the body of the child .. the zero point is generative and in constant light form motion .. if the child meets a technique or process of any kind designed to run a counter currency they will have a clear visceral response .. it will be unpalatable, indigestible, or in the extremes will feel revolting .. charged with a reverse spin these are the inverse forces of polarisation and split of embodiment.. the child will likely want to vomit or scream or run or fight .. it is visceral and charged and a clear body response that is not merely a misbehaving child. The child’s body functions in unified source circuitry through a zero point and the duality of this world is known, touched and integrated by his child by nature of the design.. the inverse polarisation towards dis-integration, dis-unity and destruction of life is never ok, no matter what the acceptable narrative overlay is . This child can always be trusted in this because there is no separate judgment or belief system or cognitive evaluation taking place .. there is currency and there is not currency and there is counter currency moving with opposing forces .. the right vs wrong is an embodiment articulation .. this and not this. this has currency of source . this leads us home .. this dies not. this has integrity, this does not is the articulation of the integrity of the soul in the body .. moving towards spirit-matter integration. Anything designed to split the soul from the body, to dis-embody and ultimately control the body, and humanity for its own end game is seen felt and met in transparency. The child knows without knowing they know. What is interesting is that this cellular experience of knowing has articulation., precise words and information and when spoken it touches the knowing in many .. the words validate the deep knowing that exists in all the old hardware … “ oh I always felt that but could never word it and everything else around me said something else .. I thought I must be wrong .. but I knew it !!! “. these fundamental truths of creation, universal physics and creational mechanics.. what is right and true that is hidden deep within the many matrixes, the tapestries and fluid cellular memories of who we are. If many of our ancient monuments have inverse geometries and symbols we have been playing this game for far longer than the sands of time tell us. Sacred sites snd sacred geometry .. what story are they telling ?
Chakras dissolve like melted ice-cream cones
Show me a child today that has the old roygbiv chakras all lined up in a row.. a vertical column of spinning vortices designed to translate energetic information to the cellular systems of the body. For aeons this energetic anatomy has been theveritable backbone of all spiritual teachings, posters and postures, meditations and crystals all laid out to better spin the old wheels. However once the bio-spiritual anatomy evolves into zero point architecture the ‘energetic’ information becomes embodied and enfolded into the cells, in a fuller spirit-matter body physics… At this point, the chakras organically dissolve, like melted ice-cream cones, into the cellular matrix, and the body is informed from within. The body transactions itself from a zero point core, through spiralling mathematics, unity geometry and quantum universal information. All systems run a new currency of cellular inform. No longer separate or processing the world in an ‘out there’ to ‘in here’ all the rainbow coloured melted ice cream exists as coherent wavelength within the cellular matrix and our base biology gets a new work out… seamless, integrous, coherent, the base waveform is no longer able to be compromised or run subversive programs, or indeed need healing from such infiltration. Cellular currency exists and neuro bio physiology functions at universal levels of unified source circuitry.. We are powered directly by Source and generative currency engages all cellular processes. From this body we can select any and all of the flavours in the gelato shop, we can experience all of the tastes, and digest all of the infomration without a good/bad duality ice-cream banana split.
Don’t believe anything
The world is its polarisation loves pitting the belief systems, like dual opponents in a boxing ring.. Creation or Evolution… fight it out. The focus is directed toward two cleverly formed ‘opponents’ or opposition of forces.. in the red corner, with the red gloves are the Creationists, God the Almighty Dude created the world and reigned supreme over his creation… dishing out devastation and wrath, sometimes some benevolence and mercy, if he feels so inclined, but always working in mysterious ways… etcetera, etcetera… just ignore the dinosaurs. And in the other corner, wearing the blue gloves, we have Darwin of the Evolution society and scientific fellows, steadfast in the random selection and mutation of genes and the effect of the environment to randomly evolve us into the homo guys and gals and others we are today. Evolutionary genomic family trees with hominids, apes and common ancestors… was Cro Magnon man or Neanderthal our distant relative? Which side are you on… who are you cheering for? If not a scientific thinker you must believe in God.. this paper-thin cut-out version of God, nope, so the scientists must be right then.. Set up a polarised controversy and the general population will debate the sides and fight each other in their rightesousness. I mean pick any polarised issue… this guy or that guy, red gloves or blue, fight it out.. just stay blind to the fact that neither is actually true. Both proponents are false and the fight is a farce. Even Darwin suggested he was unlikely to be right, in Evolution of the Species. To believe in anything is to simply not know, and therefore need to fill the gap of not knowing with a belief.. creation of the human we are today, birth and death, all come burdened with belief systems. A good old system with doctrine and dogma to set your life on course.. its just a matter of choosing what to believe, and therefore how to live. The Holy Bible, as with all religious books boasts a conglomeration of truth and lies.. some core fundamental universal truths, woven with precise inverse and counter truths to mis-direct and mis-inform, cleverly maintaining the loss of freedom in the very text containing the teachings of Jesus, who we all know was here on earth to be the way to freedom. Take a truth and invert it, twist it, re-write it and weave it all together into a hearty religion. So those watching the fight get to choose a false God or a false Evolution… keep em distracted, all the while the truth dwells somewhere else entirely.
So, the question becomes why is there a gap of things we do not know about ourselves, into which belief systems in their varied corrupt colours and forms can be inserted.. and upon which we are basing our lives… the foundation of who we are, how we are here, and why that informs our choices and lifetimes. And by that I mean lifetimes.. over and over… that was one of the bits taken out of the biblically recorded teachings of Master Jesus, later found in the Dead Sea Scrolls.. was it not? the return again and again.. reincarnation (with or without the baggage), to work through the universal mechanics until getting it right and being able to depart this time space matrix.. oh but that’s also what was left out…
So, just imagine knowing this ahead of time, the work you needed to do to embody and move up the game board levels and eventually get out of here.. IF we had this advance knowledge we could get on with the task ahead of us, or slack off, if you were that kind of kid at school, but at least knowingly get to choose. It’s the knowing and choosing that ultimately gets ripped out like a carpet underfoot. With no clue why we are here, who we are , what we are meant to be doing, and the whole damn point of the exercise, we are buggered - game over, over and over.
It’s all in the physics
Everything has a universal physics, a divine mathematics and order… every particle exists in the universal matrix according to the rules of the system whether those rules are currently understood by our science or yet to be defined. The incarnation of a soul into as body gives a very precise view into the universal bio physics of spirit matter, templates to form, and incarnational gateways. When we begin to understand the entry of a soul, to earth, to birth as human according to the dynamics of universal existence, we better understand death, history, timelines and the larger universal gameboard on which we are playing and being played. There is no getting out of here, without doing the work.. Genuinely. There are no right belief systems, religions or (insert other nomenclature here). Death is s corridor, through which there are multiple lock and key physics, unlocked through having done the physical-spiritual work to move through these doorways. The rules of this are clearly the same universal physics as birth, and are defined by the current universal consciousness.. that is it is an ever evolving gameboard, and we need to keep up with the play. How consciousness engages form is our base understanding, embodiment, dis-embodiment, birth, death, motion of souls within the universal time space matrix, and ultimately beyond it. This is a constantly evolving understanding, life a game with a basic rule book and instructions, but with constant modifications as the game evolves. Each player can move their piece without any understanding of the rules, or with an old rule book, 0r by translating the current new information as it becomes available… Each player has a spirit-matter counter, able to embody or process different levels of information and so able to make different moves accordingly. the more advanced or up-to-date the hardware, the more efficiently the player is able to process the new infarction and unlock the coded portals of play. Playing with outdated hardware limits the modes of play and access to the now information, playing blind wihtout understanding the game, will likely lead to dead ends that return the player to square one, over and over. We don’t get out of here without doing the work.. and when the rules are hidden from us, how the heck are we supposed to even know the score?! There are gateways in and out, doorways of access, birth, death, planetary, stellar, universal, there are corridors and keys and codes.. stargazes through our biology our blood and DNA…what do you think the knights of the holy grail were searching for? There are universal rules to this universal game, the earth human body is embodied into and the there are gateways out of this universal time matrix. Embodiment is everything, its where we understand the game the rules, the access, the information, and the nature of existence. Embodiment is where we are actively doing the work to move through the levels mastering and ultimately exiting the game.
Star wars, trust in the force Luke
Sometimes pieces of our universal story play out on the big screen, and we are enraptured…, eager, obsessive even, adopting characters and trying on personas because somewhere back in the beyond of our pre-history, we know this, or we were this.. it speaks to us, and every kid wants to join the Jedi when they grow up.. or one of the other factions. Decades on, the engagement with the story of the forces of Light and Dark played out in the stars is decidedly personal, universal and owned in some way by us all. We remember fragments of something long forgotten and without knowing why we intrinsically understand it was formative of who we are today. Watch the games that children organically play, whether you give them light sabers or guns or they pick up sticks from the woods… without exposure to television my son’s dynamic of play with swords and ‘weapons’ of various forms held within it the deep history of our origins, battles, falls and victories. The fight for freedom… yet ask anyone to fill in any more detail and it becomes murky with one narrative or another.. the good guys vs the bad guys.. how many iterations, and whose hand has held the pen…So its easy to see just how easy it is to weave threads of truth with any mal-intentional threads of an imposed agenda and call it History, Religion, Creation Myth, Society, Politics… the justification of sending troops into the Middle East… Darth Vader sits down to a game of checkers with Luke, and the game board is inverted so the white is black and the black is white.. look at the dynamics in play…All pure geometries of Light throughout time have a dark inverse, an imposter.. utilising essentially the same mechanics in inverse, the fight to take, control, dominate and rule…the promise that swayed Annakin to the dark side.. the many levels of devastating loss. It’s all there in our cellular history books, our genetic ascencdancy, all the way back to the Founders of this universal human genome. The true meaning of the ‘royal lineages’ are those, like the House of David’ that hold the genetic bloodline records all the way back through time, to our true divine origins.. The progenitors of human, and our universal ‘Star Wars’ history, all that has befallen us, that has left us bereft of home and code and history and time and tide has washed us far out to sea, having lost sight of our fundamental role, our purpose and our belonging in this universal game.
White Light - What are we playing with?
So, recall the game of checkers between Luke and his father, with the checkerboard reversed… the white light, and the white playing counters, do not necessarily mean the good guys. White light is thought of as ‘he good stuff’ wielded by ‘the good guys’…its an easy ruse… white light for healing and bubbles of protection, flowing white guru robes, healing white light.. love and light. In spiritual circles ‘the white light’ is an intangible, ie it is an energy used with intention…it is directed to places in the body, or wielded in some energetic fashion according to the latest trends. White light is kind of ubiquitous in these circles, a balm-for-all, and a general good intention, love and light; it is inherent in the identity of the light-worker, the one who often wears white and does the energy work with said light… And it is the wearer of the white light robes that gets our respect… yet without embodiment, the white light is nothing, it is void. In fact the false white light matrix is indeed that, a false ceiling of consciousness evolution, using ‘white light as its sales pitch’ to effectively hold the soul within a linear self-based finite architecture.. By cleverly interweaving the true white light with false copy, a slightly higher ceiling can be created..,.one that embodies more light than the 3 dimensional guy, but is no more substantial than a paper cut out wafting around in a white void. It looks the part, all white and with a promise of spiritual enlightenment, peace and love, but the enlightenment promised is dis-embodied, entangled and feeds a spiritual ego that sits on a high white horse, leading their followers into the void…the false white light is an artificial goal, or arrival into a void of nowhere and nothing, it might be quiet in the meditative absence of thought, but it is designed to divert players into a mist or spiritual void in which they are dis-embodied and ultimately robbed of their light. White light without substance, light without information, and without embodiment of Source light-encoded information is empty and contains no freedom, power or liberation, ie is definitely not en’light’ened. White in its substance is a full spectrum of light frequency embodied as the flesh of form, ie available to the body as cellular information. It is infact not dimensional, but envelops and embodies all dimensional waveform information, as substance of form. White is home at the point of all union before split into duality and dimensionalisation… White as substance of non-duality form is infact the integration of all light and dark.. and all rays of colour as dimensional wavelength information. We can understand it as the white prismatic light of embodiment, all colours of all light spectrum embodied create white, which is the full jigsaw so to speak. White is the information pre and post split into spectrum of frequency, ie dimensionalisation. It is the integrate wholeness, the divine home, the immaculate union, the origin of conscious waveform. White light is the substantive living light of Source… it is the electrical current, the power source of all life. It is the creational mechanics and the building blocks of creation, the tools of the artist and design of the architect…Infinite, eternal, never-ending.. Source light currency is pure creation… The creational mechanics of life. White is where we ultimately know Source as Form, as this body, this embodiment… enlightenment, freedom, exiting the matrix, and all other goal-posts are achievable by embodying into the body, not out of it into the stratosphere of ‘light’. White is Home.
What do you mean ‘Home?’ What do your trillion and one cells recognise as home ?
Home is the architecture, the compass and the navigation .. home is the pathway, it is where we begin from and return to. We are all searching for home in some form or another .. We are all looking to the stars, with an inkling that the answers are ‘out there’ somewhere, and without realising it, we are ‘homing’, sending consciousness signatures across time and space, hoping to receive a return signal.. it is actually no different to what we do in society, in the school playground, spend waveform information though the fluid of our cells to be ‘heard’ by another.. to be met, heard, received on the most subtle of soul consciousness levels.. at certain levels of embodiment we are looking for circuits of unified consciousness to return to us, with the information that is matching and coherent with our own.. many bio-chemical signals accompany the bio-physics of a shared origin ‘click’ when you meet someone new and feel like you have known them forever.. We are always looking for ourselves through others who hold the same information in their body of home. Belonging has many levels and complexities, as any black sheep will tell you… and home is inherent in all of them. Searching for home on earth, a placement and a people.. home and belonging, as family and community - those created, destroyed, loved and lost… Your soul has a family of origin and specific home information. The split of your soul into masculine and feminine aspects also takes place at this level of home. You can traverse time, space and dimension to understand and integrate your twin, and embody this soul home origin information.. in doing so, you create a unified body that gives you a vehicle and access to traverse higher levels of origin and home.. ultimately all the way back to the Source of all genesis.. which is also Origin and Home, in capital letters.
Home has a physicality also, the house you live in, the place where you dwell… where you rest and reside, whether one that is a sanctuary from the world, or simply a place to store your things while out moving and shaking…Home is where you begin your day from and where you return to at the end of the day, only to start over again.. cycling through our lives, Home is our constant.. it is where we orient from, the centre of our compass…And it is where we orient to, in our lives at large, and all soul evolution is an embodiment of home…Home consciousness is what we share with the world, it forms the basis of our creations, our art, emotional expression, psychology, inter-personal relationships and our unique soul purpose .. we are effectively gifting our unique soul song from our home origin to the world, in what ever we choose to do with this life, however we choose to gift-wrap it. Home is purpose, orientation, direction and ultimately, pathway.
As we do our work on ourselves and explore our creative purpose we are weaving strands of home on earth.. star home.. many star homes..a firmament in fact, a vast cosmology… many threads of home consciousness spun and woven into so many forms…so many colours and earth born tapestries…heaven on earth is not simply a metaphor, but a work-in-progress. We are no longer looking to the stars for home.. Home has body, and the body has embodied home.
SESSIONS, Audios and live listening
All the content in the body of this work has come directly from the Incoming Souls in live listening sessions and groups. Information is directly experienced in the cells of the one body that is listening. This is constant whether the one body is one person, two, six, twelve or more… the cellular information is given only once as a now listening with active currency moving through all bodies as one body, one circuitry, one zero point. Live listening is typically audio recorded as it never happens twice, like the old step-in-the-river thing. Each new listening session is in integrity with all current information, presenting and revealing one vast intricate map of incoming soul consciousness at any given time on this earth. Nothing is separate, and the information has cellular currency through all as many-as-one.. Many incoming souls who exist quantifiable unified information at a cellular level can tell a story that transcends time and space. Nothing is intended from individual level of listening as a process, a healing, a meditation or a well wishing prayer.. nothing is asked for, nothing is reached toward, nothing is imposed ever. The listening is pure and precise and unified and has active currency in the now moment as it is not only received, but actioned as a generative motion cell-to-cell-to-cell through many bodies. Body-to-body-to-body. To share information from one separate body to another has integrity limited by the capacity of the individuals and their proficiency of communication or energetic transfer. To experience information beyond any gap of giving and receiving, beyond any gap of personal filter and translation is to move beyond the subjective. To fully receive the incoming soul consciousness (information) it must exist through a circuitry of a unified body, in which our cells are informed by the new consciousness in a non-linear process that ‘receives’ the cellular information at a level of embodiment that is owned, articulated and can inform other in the moment. The new infomration in our cells must be able to inform other in the same moment we are informed. There is no top-down linear process of being taught cognitive theory of embodiment, going away, to reflect, own, heal, resolve, digest and ultimately embody the teachings as spiritual matter within the body. This work is not linear and not accessible in a separate body from a cognitive theoretical map. All listening is a pure embodiment of the incoming soul consequents, experienced as cellular information beyond need to be ‘processed’ by the separate body. In this, it has the currency of the creational mechanics of the arriving soul, and the embodiment template is directly shareable as a regenesis of the architecture. Each incoming soul has a piece of the vast universal story and map of who we are as humanity in this now moment of the game, including all global realities in play and personal family dynamics. All have a referent view through the eyes of the many incoming souls arriving to birth and begin their life on earth. It is a powerful and precise currency that informs and the listening must be in absolute integrity to the incoming souls, as many and as one body. There is no point in which any personal process, belief system or imposition of any kind can pull on, take or distort the pure consciousness. The hold into personal membrane of separate simply does not have access, and the consciousness cannot be split or compartmentalised to fit into separate body frames and holds. The voice of the incomings is often “Meet me here… 100% or not at all” The articulation is precise and in integrity from the cells of the one body through a zero point.
The information also does not arrive in nice sequential linear pieces to meet our left brain organisation, instead it unfurls in spirals and threads of a vast fabric of universal time space, both within and beyond this universal matrix, with the entirety of its history and antecedents, and all future lineages. We are gifted pure access to an aspect of universal consciouenss with a signature and soul story that commands recognition and reverence. We are gifted a piece of the map of our star ancestors and identity as universal human, many many beings, and homes, many many stars and all the pieces we have lost, the pieces we have searched for, the belonging we long for but do not remember.. we are gifted home, body as home, architecture of home, origin story and the creation and destruction played out thorough time eternal. We are gifted the missing pieces of ourselves and the unified wholeness of our hearts, our souls and our families. We are returned to the knowing, not in our heads, but truth as currency through the cells. All the bullshit simply has no currency and cannot run through the circuitry of a zero point architecture.. so it falls away, in transparency with no hold or fight. This is not a cognitive debate of belief systems, if it has no currency it has no truth.. Truth is currency and spirals in motion from zero through body circuitries returning to zero. No such currency exists in a body without a zero point
Each audio you listen to is new information in the now moment of reveal of the incoming souls of that particular time. It is not in a linear order that has all the theory up front to make sense of it, the infomration is purely that which is arriving as active incoming soul consciousness, as a starry of birth, life and what the heck is happening on earth. Each audio is raw and unedited. Each contains active timeless currency that actions as a live session every time and any time it is listened to. Each has timeless relevance to the now moment of your life at personal and universal levels. Each audio has currency of universal unity and moves through our personal embodiment story in stunning individual ways, ,as if spoken directly to us. The more sessions and audios listened to the more the intricate weave of the territory reveals and we understand our place in the universe and how we are moving and shaping the world around us.
Life as art, a living artistry of soul articulating form, creative-generative in the world.
This story has been told the way the Incoming Souls have wanted to tell it… the structures have been built forwards and backwards through time. We meet ourselves in every piece of this work beyond what we think we know. A unified body (The Form) has been built as a non-linear embodiment architecture able to embody many-as-one, at the founder levels of our creational mechanics, and beyond all dualities of fall. Each is home in the form, as the body of home… with all stars and universes in spin in the quanta of light particle and waveform currency in fluid of the cells, eternally generative from the Source core of creation…this body is forever young and playing in the infinite playground, the garden in which the immaculate union of mother, father, child is the trinity of our core.
The Architects and Engineers
The progenitors of the human race, our antecedents are boldly present, the ancestors of the ancestors of our ancestors… the architects and creational ones who have been written out of our genetic history-book.. the source code and consciousness records of our origin story, re-engineered to one that suits… If we follow our many-star family tree we can trace a path (forwards and backwards through time) through many meta-terrestrial races throughout the cosmos, to the founders… the designers, architects and engineers of our form… integrous full genetic star histories (and star wars) .. the material of our existence, our form, our consciousness through time to its origins…to the core of Creation… and what we can truly call Home.
Our forefathers were Gods in their own right, and we are their children.. created to be like them, so yes, some of those Creation stories hold true. We were created to be creators, ‘made in the image’.. meaning we held the source code of our projenitors, and embodied the creational mechanics and cellular capacity to be creators in these biological forms. If you take away - unplug, corrupt or reengineer - some of that pristinely coded template, the human becomes a very different creature. Our original human design was based on a base 12 mathematics, with unified universal information articulated through our form. We existed in zero point source architecture in which we were fundamentally ‘free’ to express our creative selves in accordance with the natural laws. Not all Gods are Gods and not all who sit on thrones are Kings...The reality of today is that we have been torn apart and blown far off course…fragmented and fallen so far from our origin, so well obliterated from our consciousness and genetic records, that the words literally have no place to land in these bodies. ‘Home’ ‘origin’ ‘free’ all float somewhere just out of reach. The information, codes and access have not been lost and the capitulating search for the grail, the holy of holies, the keys to the Kingdom…maybe even the elixir of life, philosopher’s stone and ‘immortality’ are chased by the ‘good guys’ and the ‘bad guys’. There are codes and keys and gateways and knights on white horses and other knights on black…and the details can be found touched on in most of our archetypical stories… and if you look just beyond the seeker finding himself, or taking the leaf from the eternal tree…because it is not any version of the ‘self’ that is at the end of the rainbow. False ceilings and dark duality labrynths. Information has been hidden in and out of time throughout this universal time space matrix, and game board. And the seeker may travel to sacred sites and structures on the planet, or travel in meditation to other access points to gather the codes, integrate the lost soul pieces and follow the lures and synchronicities in whatever version of The Mystical Game they have downloaded. Now consider the information fed to us, who is doing the feeding, and who is being fed on…what is the goal, the take, the win, the exit…understand the agenda because eternity is at stake.. To have controlling shares in a commodity that has the power to generate infinite Source currency, one that has the biological capacity to unify and therefore hold genetic keys to the universal kingdoms … damn, valuable on the black and the white market, every move onto every square on the checkerboard has high stakes. And it is clearly folly to follow the advice of any entity (incarnate or not) with its own agenda. “Spirit” is a quagmire and if “the white light’ is a false matrix of guiding lamplight, how does one negotiate the tricky paths and dead-ends of the labrynthtine reality we exist in… without the rules of play and the overview... without the picture on the top of the jigsaw box… and, well, a map!