Form’s Design

We are not simply bio-mechanical hardware that exists function at solely a mechanistic level. We are not human bio-hardware that has factory settings and measures of performance. Nor are we hardware that is designed or controlled like a commodity on a conveyor belt. Form and function cannot be designed, built, regulated and maintained according to some homologous blueprint. The human bio-form is comprised of both spirit and matter in a given architecture… and the bio-mechanics of the body are determined primarily by the currency of consciousness the dynamic interchange and dance of sprit and matter. Each soul signature is unique and each soul articulates form with a unique expression within the base hardware. No two bodies are ever going to function the same menchistically speaking, and we cannot base any measure of human function at this level only. Consider the defining difference in twins…two unique souls, the same nature, nurture. Or the common example of a sore throat or a cold, that may have the same viral cause in two different people, but the expression and process of the sore throat in the embodiment story of the individual can have markedly different origins and purpose. We are our embodiment story, the matrix of our soul-into-body in constant dynamic engagement and inform.… Our bodies are constantly articulating the story of the soul…we are holding in our cells our experience, history, timelines, origin, and reason for being, personally and universally. We ‘carry’ or ‘walk’ this embodiment story in every moment of our lives, it is how we engage each and every situation, every relationship and interaction, everything we create-to-experience. The now moment, in presence, gives us access to a vast amount of information as our embodiment story is constantly and dynamically informing the currency and shape of our experience.

Our genetics hold far more than coding for simple biological form and function, such as eye colour and protein synthesis. DNA is the code to our make-up, the sequence and instruction set of the mystical mathematical divine form, The creational code of our ancestors and their ancestors, all the way back to our origins in the stars… the codes of our star homes, histories and journeys…a map navigating the soul home. The Source code of creation is our birthright, our genesis, our wholeness, our union, and our return. The template and spirit-matter bio-mechanics of our form is where our story is told, the embodiment story of all humanity.. our origins and losses, our soul’s journey through time, our genesis and regenesis…it is where we can understand our true universal nature.

The human blueprint is not a static drawing, or fixed scaffold of the housing .. the template is not a cookie-cutter replica… and it not a fixed entity, and simply the hand we are dealt for a lifetime. The template of form (or morphogenetic blueprint) consists of many many organic matrices, with light-and sound encoded geometry and precise instruction sets… These matrices are in constant motion, both informing form and being informed by the form… it is a dynamic creational motion of exchange, template-to-cell, cell-to-template… the template determines the level and capacity of consciousness embodied and the embodiment of consciousness changes the cellular capacity and bio-physics. At bio-dynamic individual body levels, we are organising around the core template we were born with. As we evolve and embody a more integrated spirit-matter body, we begin to rebuild our template beyond the hand we were dealt, to resurrect the code of the original human blueprint held in our universal history. Again this has a core organising principle. Each evolutionary step we take changes the physics and bio-mechanics of the system. Form and function changes, and the human body exists a new measure. The template at birth continues to evolve beyond this ‘original’ instruction set for individuated consciousness experiencing itself in duality… it is here the quantum leap happens…

The nature and function of the base mechanics of our body undergoes significant alteration through the establishment of zero point architecture. This is a defining shift in the bio-mechanics physics and physiology through engaging unified embodiment template information with zero point circuitries able to embody and run unity and non-duality currency. We are consciousness articulated as form, and form that is articulating consciousness, actively in every moment. The level of consciousness - wavelength of light encoded information - we can translate, integrate and articulate is determined by the capacity of our cellular embodiment, the hardware if you like, i.e. the architecture that runs the operating system and software.

In a fundamental architectural shift to zero point bio-mechanics we transcend separation and linear embodiment. Building zero point circuitries requires the full integration and synthesis of the internal masculine and feminine principles and the soul twin aspects. All integration of positive and negative polarities at all wave and particle levels occurs through a neutral zero creating a trinity current. We run polarised or binary currents through a linear body while working to reconcile, integrate, and make whole, the dual forces of our existence. We are always in a personal-universal motion toward our integral wholeness and return to the non-separation of Source. This evolution occurs through the building of unified circuitries formed by the trinity of masculine, feminine and neutral (God) zero point. As these circuits are built they elevate the base currency of consciousness informing cellular form and function. So we establish circuitry, i.e. bio-physics able to integrate and embody duality at cellular levels… evolving to non-duality cell physics… each level altering bio-form currency, electrical and bio-chemical signalling toward optimal cellular function and freedom. In short, once we have transcended the linear embodiment in polarity physics, we enter a new territory where the base bio-mechanics of life exist in Source architecture. Source as the origin of life, the Source of all creation, consciousness and existence (in whatever way you wish to give reference to the Ultimate Architect). Source-Creator-God is the core absolute zero point… Infinite Source light as particle and waveform current exists the base electrical circuitry, igniting and sustaining the physical life form and currency-carrying information of cellular form, function and articulation. This Bio-source core is the generative-power-core zero point running the non-duality currency of God Source, and as such is an infinite source of life-giving current, eternal and generative of all body cellular systems. The bio-mechanics effectively organise, regulate and sustain life, indefinitely. Take a moment.

The linear bio-form was based on individuated consciousness moving through linear bio-circuitries that relied on energetic anatomy, such as the now obsolete chakra system, to receive and translate ‘external’ wavelength information to be processed by the endocrine and ‘internal’ systems of the body. The bio-chemistry of the system was based on in-here and out-there stimulus-response and life effectively sustained as a membraned existence of inner and outer, with polarised masculine and feminine forces operating, and separation-based organising principles.. me vs not me, us vs them etc… otherwise knows as binary currents, in a linear duality-based embodiment architecture of self. This body has no zero point. Source (or God) is a personal referent (or belief) of the Creator that is outside the body, usually ‘up there’ …and the light of Source is something that can be connected to or brought down into the body through the crown to the feet through the midline energetic anatomy. This is the body that extends this linear current through the feet into the earth, to ‘ground’ into the circuitry of the earth body, and a process that must occur after birth when the newly born individual circuitry of the baby body is no longer inherently part of mother’s body circuitry and must ‘anchor’ the individuated life current to the larger life-sustaining body circuitry of the planet. The architecture of birth is in corresponding shift with the architecture of earth - it cannot not be. In an embryological template in zero point, the circuitry of the baby body is held in the universally unified coherency of the wider earth/cosmological body circuitry, anchoring only and ever through the one core zero point. This baby has no need to plug into an external earth body circuit and the birth itself is held through the zero point to exist spirit as matter at the more coherent template levels of form, thus lessening the impact, or imprint of the in-here out-there birth. including the internal and external nature-nurture information. The core zero point coherency holds the newborn baby through its templated spirit-matter creation. and arrival into the arms and heart of the mother and family.

The bio-mechanics of a body with Source outside the form and Source as the form, are drastically different. This is a matter of physics and not simply meta-physical philosophy. The energetic anatomy, including the chakras and membranes of the separate body, begin to dissolve into the zero point architecture that is no longer processing an in-here-out-there world. The zero point of Source is the centre-point of all union, and the circuitry of the body is based on non-duality physics, i.e. union of all polarities in spin around a neutral point. The fundamental organising principle of the bio-form moves from Self to Source. Personal belief systems that are held freely and orbit a personality in a linear body fall away as the mechanics of an infinite Source architecture inform the life-giving systems of the body sans belief. Belief, trust and faith actually have no place when there is no gap to bridge, and instead a cellular currency of Source information moves cell-to-cell as a constant bio-physical and bio-chemical cellular knowing. The same orgniasing principle and knowing exists in each body in zero point architecture, so the shared base cellular information in many bodies is coherent, graceful and in integrity beyond any linear bio-chemistry or me-based evaluation. The body is running different bio-computational processes based on shared information rather than discrete personality and belief. Individual soul consciousness experiencing coherency within and with the world around.. coherency of human understanding, of human experience, of human intelligence, of human creation, of human relationship and so on. Coherency is a function of the zero point and in constant organisational motion. And while we can talk of the toroidal field of the heart and coherence of thought and emotion, or coherence informing other through a unified field, we are still referring to the body in linear and core separateness, thinking loving thoughts towards other in their separateness. It goes without saying how extreme ‘separateness’ is an often dark place of human suffering and loss. The organising principle in separation is typically survival. Thoughts of universal coherency and infinite creational worlds are out there in the ‘spiritual believing or philosophising or star gazing’ . The coherency of zero point is the fundamental core of the vast universal coherency we can know at quantum levels… the infinite ‘out there’ and the infinite ‘in here’ are one and the same thing in the bio-mechanics of a zero point architecture, beyond duality. The eternal light of Source IS a biological imperative.

There is a stunning observation of the bio-mechanics of this body in the matter of both the spirit and the matter. This body functions in both the spirit and matter worlds as one. Extraordinary as this may sound, it is defining by nature, the non-dual split of spirit and matter… to know ourselves as the spiritual materialised and the material spiritualised… with no need of a bridge between the worlds. Just think about it.. The point of spirit-matter that is the ultimate convergence point, is an absolute zero point, and has biological knowability. The bio-mechanics of the zero point architecture are the circuitries and gateways of access to the higher unified realms of consciousness that are now cellularly available. The only access is through a zero point, and these levels of consciousness are not accessible to the separate body (architecture), as substantive cellular articulation. As all dimensional wavelength information is enfolded and embodied within the cells, structure and function and nature of the form moves towards bio-synthesis… the integration of dualities has bio-chemical components at elemental structural levels, and bio-physical components at cell currency levels.. the molecular structure, protein synthesis and cell communication are all organised from a zero point of universal quantum coherency, elevating the nature of the cellular ‘experience’ to what can only be defined at this level of spirit-matter as creational… to know our creational bio-form capacity.

There is an optimal organisation, regulation and function we can begin to explore .. a more constant cadence and rhythm of cellular and body systems in coherency… less like pinballs being bounced around in a tumultuous chaos; more a resting generative homeo-stasis and buoyancy of fluid cellular systems, a symmetry through integration of left and right side musculo-skeletal mechanics of motion; fascial/connective tissue wholeness, hormonal, endocrine and immune system efficiency, and a seamless neural communication beyond the defensive and offensive, charged neural assault of our linear embodiments.. a supra-neural functioning that looks in overview of individual detail from a known of wholeness.. able to see the world in both directions of whole-to-separate and separate-to-whole in one view.. a currency-led synthesis of neural information in the right timeline architecture, that has time space dimensional detail from many points…the integrity of the wholeness of the many determining the shared timeline. No longer focusing on self, and processing the world through energetic membranes of self, the body can be a pure articulation of the infinite soul, the divine mystery and mathematics of creation and the home we have yearned for throughout our existence. The dynamic template of form is no longer a single soul-body instruction set, but phenomenal interwoven many-soul-many-body template matrices with fluid fabric harmonics and universally unified currencies of embodiment... Form’s Design.

The bio-mechanics of this human life form is where we remember the nature of the design.. our human design and our history, our home origins and our universal purpose… the hardware of the bio-intelligence of this form is where our human computational systems remember, where we understand why we were created, and our fullest human potential as creators. At a hardware level of body (embodiment), we have been running operating systems and programs counter to our true nature.. just consider the corruption necessary through time to reach a point where the base biological gender is considered to violate our ‘free will’. A presentation of dis-embodiment or the split of spirit from matter in coherency of embodiment. A simple masculine-feminine polarity and binary circuit is requisite for a conception in linear architecture. Our biology is designed to know the transcendence of true union of spirit-matter with other (and God/Source) through a trinity currency. The true creational-mechanics of the conception circuitry of mother-father-child are in fact a trinity circuitry through a zero point union of the biological parents. The bio-mechanics of conception are led by the incoming soul in their spirit-matter creation. An immaculate conception is inviolable. The mechanics are sound..

The bio-form ultimately reaches, and operates from, an optimal functioning or non-linear ‘biological age’. We consider the equilibrium of the biology in function beyond loss and linearity, at true zero point mechanics beyond any membrane of separate self. Universal quantum coherency informs the cell, and all life generating and sustaining biological processes are held in a stable base capacity.. This is an active dynamic process of bio-coherency through the universal template. The body maintains a constant integrity according to non-duality waveform physics. All systems are maintained in equilibrium and a base rhythm and cadence is established , where the bio-chemical, and neural-electrical cellular processes are receiving and transmitting waveform information from the timeless core of zero point, through the many matrices of the form template sourcing the requisite coded information to optimal function. This optimal function is not an externally measured ideal, rather it is a true biological articulation of the soul - embodiment in free expression through cellular substance .. ie form’s design - the art and artistry of embodiment