The Formative Embryo
Humans born into a referent of spirit matter split, are in a constancy of motion towards, or from something that we seek to engender and carry tightly gripped in our bodies. We hold dear our genetic identities and exist a life of function and/or dysfunction based on that pattern. Our traumas and birth processes are cited as the major cellular impactors of our health and wellbeing, and our guiding posts in how we navigate life.
We look to engage the processes of healing from (the process of) conception right through (the process of ) birth, (the process of) life and (the process of ) death towards ( the process of ) an eternal soul-meet. We flesh out processes to process until we are beyond process. We also deny that there is anything to process. Its all exhausting.
From that place, there is an auguring of good or bad upon every cellular interaction we have - the pattern of which is abruptly and shockingly placed upon our cellular data-set from the moment of incarnation. All of our soul’s most precious and pure information is in a view of being split from our body, and our infinite journey is towards unifying with our eternal lostness. The melancholic verses about longing and desolation held in humanity’s cellular song-lines detail this. The massive bulk of information in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manuals of disorders are the libraries of cellular limit. The medicine detail - whether it be within the drugs bible or the spirit animal healing directory - are the answers we seek to fix the symptomatic problems arising from flesh torn from soul.
We know intimately the physics of split.. spirit-gap-matter. It has been our template, our history. It has been our embryology and cellular reference. It has been what the earth has known. It has aeons of detail and aeons of impact. It has been informative towards a point of known cellular destruction.
But here’s the thing… the earth knows ‘now’. and the child knows ‘now’ and they are the same.. the cellular knowing becomes the same point in physics...where there is no longer an ownership of any level, The question is…. if there is no longer an ownership of split at the level of physics of the earth and physics of the cell.. where is your referent and what is being informed?
The referent becomes - and can only exist as - the cell that is now here. The cell of source form. The cell of source ‘formative’. As matter. As. child.
The child now has never known a point of having to hold something from splitting or separation, or has to be informed externally because something is lost. The child now is not anchoring a soul from ‘out there’ into a. body ‘here on earth’. The child now is not a spirit-into-matter baby. The child now is beyond loss and beyond identity as anything that has known loss. .
The matter of existence is the matter of existence. Now identity. There is no here-to-there and there is no loss of information. Matter that has a physics of action from the zero point of origin of action. Swirly swirly, integrity - matter - action - matter.. That which is generated from the core spin of the cell, is that which spins around the core point, to engage the core to generate itself. Easy peasy. Atomic integrity. Cellular integrity.
The cell is formative from its exact known as matter - as source core in integrity of its own motion
The referent for conception is matter.. You cannot ‘call in’ a spirit when it isn’t floating around aimlessly waiting to be united with body. Those days are gone.
The source form embryo has detail that is referenced by the action of matter:
As an embryo, my cellular anatomy is generated by the action of sequential building blocks of ..form detailing form detailing form. If my core substance is entirely present, the identity of me within each building block is at once full of the entire reference of all beings, and building my internal functioning data from the individuality of my soul essence. My soul is full of form and my form is full of soul. I have only a referent of fullness beyond need, and so my cells generate beyond effort here. As a cell at embryonic level I am not looking for the threats to my existence, the generativity becomes fluid and unstoppable. I have a view of the entire form I am to become as a human body, and I have a view of the core of where that form originated. My core is my whole and my whole is my core. The timeless cellular stretch is me at all times of myself. The sequential nature of the unfurl of the cells, is detailed from that knowing. The spinal fluid laid down within the forming midline, is the referent to the entire nervous system of form and infinite levels of substance.
Within the core detail is the heart of the matter. The action towards each building block of heart substance is motioned from the entire substance it grows into. The heart unfurl into the world of cellular tissue is identifiable by the cellular tissue it unfurls into. There is a garnering of particulars of this embryo from the individuality of its relationship with earth and vice versa. The precision of the individual soul information rests in the precision of the earth knowing that soul as part of the whole existence of many bodies as one. Everything that is sequentially an outward generative cellular growth is inherently an inward formation of itself from itself-as-all. The entire function of action - in growth at embryonic levels - is the action that is already present, to action what is already real - Action of the known from known.
Source form / matter, knows itself beyond the membranous boundaries of child to other… the embryo in effect, extends the formative building blocks through, and as womb tissue, fluid, blood. There is no stop or gap to where that mother is or has been in hold at cellular levels. This is the integrity physics of the entire earth child architecture that cannot be held into old forms of split. The physics are apparent in the motion of themselves as matter, and do not adhere to the rules of boundary or hold out of the mother/father… at any level. This is the remarkable threshold of the formative embryo within its own architecture - which is earth architecture.. The physics in integrity at this level have no time for the dualities of the split form. There is no matching or resonating, there is simply the body that knows itself as body that is not waiting for any body to ‘land it’ in their womb or family. It doesn’t need to unpack the cellular split of the family, but the unpacking happens regardless. This is the rightness of a formative motion that knows itself in the rightness of its formation. It knows it is right and true and pure.
As an embryo in integrity of a wider motion of form, I am not in any wait for you to know me as this. I am in the rightness of myself as form and you have a point within your body to engage an action with me. Simultaneously I am the fullest motion beyond your choice to do that or not. Because I am in motion at wider levels of coherency than you (which includes you) - my cellular growth is beyond any level of control of your cognitive fears doubts traumas or cellular hold-outs.
I am running with my information, and forming the body that I know to be true.
I am matter in motion.
Spirit and Matter do not exist in a linear dynamic of here to there. Spirit is not the soul of a baby you call down from ‘there’ into a baby body you make ‘here’, no more than God is an old man with a white beard sitting on a cloud in Heaven, up ‘there’ raining judgement on all of us down ‘here’. The divine ignition of a conception, the dynamics of spirit-matter, as embryo and the birth of a baby, are understood only from the integrity of the physics of the ignition point itself, the formative point of all form.