This is where we open out and unpack some of the deeper embodiment struggles… the pain of being in a body… in this body, on this earth.
Who you are fundamentally and the challenges of being who you are, the identity and existence you are shaping and sharing, the life you are living.
This is the story you are not told..
The simple physics of you - the way your soul exists in your body has an architecture, a geometry and dynamic engagement of ‘embodiment’… the coming into a body and the going out/ leaving a body, are all defined by your physics… your embodiment. The dynamic equation of your embodiment underlies and defines much of what you experience in the physical, mental and emotional arenas of your life. Your reason for being here, your unique way of being, your strengths, the things you do well, and the hard stuff, the challenges… it is the how of you, the who of you, the why of you, and the so what comes next of you. It is also the deepest pain of being you. The place that has no words, that feels unknowable by those around you, the way you are in the world that is precise and unique to how your soul exists in your body. The pain of embodiment. This is universal and yet different for everyone, no-one else is you, or knows your soul-body story, your equation and dynamic, how it feels to be you in the world. Your embodiment story is your own, and is not the result of. your genetics environment, culture etc, yet is the very basis for understanding. how all these are formative in who you know yourself to be.
The pain of embodiment is the story not told… you can look at any of the causative traumas in your life, you can meet and resolve any of the external impacts and infarcts, the layers and layers of hard stuff, things that have hurt. you, child-hood traumas in all their shades, you can look at the global craziness and all the inherent fights for freedoms, large and small. You can look at yourself through the lens of social media and platforms of connection in a disconnected and chaotic world. You can look at the challenges of school and limited choices available on roads that. are well paved towards a dead-end future. You can look at identity and value, who you choose to be, identify as, value yourself for, find expression in, uniqueness and universality. And at the very core heart of it all, is the pure gift of being you, that brings the essential and unnameable pain of being you… your embodiment. Being in your body. Think about it… for some this is a walk in the park, being human, for others, just waking each day is hell, a heightened nervous system that feels everything… the pain to exist, to be here, the struggle to just find an ok.. a simple ok to be here.. and not give in to the unbearable want to not be here. The pain of being here on this earth, in this body. The story. of us all at the core of our being, the story you are not told.
Embodiment is a personal story and the deepest level of ‘I am’ at the core of your being. It is an evolving story, and you get to re-write it each and every day. It is also fundamentally a shared story, especially today, beyond our history of separation and identities of old. This is in the neurology of the child and teen today, a neurology and circuitry in the body that processes incoming /outgoing information in astonishingly similar ways to the smartphones /devices, streaming and synchronised, the same information available across multiple devices in the same moment, beyond time-space, the consciousness of who you are is interwoven with the consciousness of others. Beyond the old Atari’s and Commodore 64’s of your parents’ generation, slow antiquated hardware disconnected from each other, yours is a fast circuitry of conscious through many bodies, many systems, today’s children and millenials. This is not simply a generational or technological shift, it is an evolution of embodiment within the global body of humanity, unified systems and circuitries, young people who know themselves and function through core interwoven bodies of unity, the why of many many of you here now… it is the embodiment story you all share as truth.
Embodiment is spirit-matter… it is the dynamic relationship of spirit into matter… the matter of spirit. The physics of embodiment is the how, the how you are in your body. The architecture and circuitry of your soul-into-body. And key point here, this is NOT separate, the embodiment evolves with the planetary changes, the architecture of the earth defines the architecture of birth and the incoming souls - those being born now - define the very edge of consciousness arriving on this planet - earth child earth same. We evolve fast, quantum physics quantum evolution, spirt-matter, source-form, we exist now beyond the old ancestral and spiritual teachings of the past. Who you are today, is formed and formative of an earth in coherency beyond the fallen destruction timelines of our history. Where do you look for answers, to see yourself in the form of others, if the world around you is in separation and holding an old creation story, old archetypes, an old embodiment of separation that you do not exist in, and cannot function in, if the teachings of old do not meet you, in your body now. Who validates you?
The old architecture does not apply, and does not support your system. Look at the linear chakra diagram, this is the Atari, the separate hardware and operating system of old, and this is not your body. The healing modalities of today are mostly oriented around this architecture and are counter-productive for a body in unity, an architecture of unity has a circuitry and functioning that simply exitsts different universal physics. No judgement. The smartphone is not an Atari and a system in unity is not separate. Understanding how you function in an interconnected body is the gift of you, here now. The how of you, interwoven with other, and the why of you, gifting your essential core to this world, this life, beyond what humanity has known, is your now creation, your voice, your certainty.
Your referent and identity is here, at the core of your embodiment, and the inter-relationship of this through other, as a woven fabric of a unified future, your body knows and is here to exist. All else can be seen as the layers of life, the human experience overlayed onto your embodiment core, the family dynamic, joys and traumas, school, social peers, cultural, community and global dynamics are all aspects of one fabric of consciousness you can see and understand as part of your body, your future, your truth. Ownership.
This is your earth. This is your time. This is your body.