Embodiment has posture - it has a stand


How do you exist within your body, your life… the world around you? Your embodiment - soul into body - has a posture, how you stand, how you inhabit and engage your cellular structure…. Who is it that stands, what do you stand as and for in this life, How do you stand?

Your posture of embodiment holds your story, your physics, the story of your soul and the body and environment you were born into, a cellular history of all you have inherited through genetic, cultural, ancestral lineages and all levels of imprinted human history... your cellular identity. But you are much more than your cellular story. Your soul has a history too, all you have experienced through universal time-space, your soul identity, the who was born into this cellular body, and the why. Your soul here now, in this body, here now… the why of you. This has posture, engagement, this embodiment has identity, far beyond all we have inherited… who is it that stands here, what is your posture?

When you search for yourself in others, where do you find yourself… Your belonging, the mirror back to you of the same, or the duality mirror of not the same, but directly inverse… how do you know yourself here? We search to meet ourselves in other, to be met by the same, in our essential individuality, we seek belonging, but we also seek validation of our circuitry, soul through body, through other, returning to us as the same known. It is unspoken, and exists through embodiment architectures, a meet and merge with other, a click, an engage, rightness, in a world full of ‘'wrongness’. But more than this, it is truth we seek, our truth, not as an intellectual thought-based analysis of who we are based on all we have learned or from the nature/nurture of our birth - genetics and environment - it is an embodiment truth we seek. To know ourselves, in recognition and validation of our inherent embodiment truths through other, through the earth and through our universal existence.

Truth is not subjective, it is not an option or belief system or intellectual ideal. Truth exists within the circuitry of your embodiment, the truth of who you are, what you stand for, the posture of your being… how your soul engages your cellular form in integrity, determines your literal physical posture, the structural. integrity of body - embodiment - your cellular function, your health, emotional stability and. solid standing in the world. Truth is inherent to your core. circuitry, it is what beats your heart and pumps your. blood. Imagine you are a planet in spin around a core sun, and your trajectory of motion exists and is held by the source core. of the sun… now see the other planetary bodies, all in similar but different motion around the same core point of spin, the same sun at. zero-point, each planetary body is. relational to you through the core point of spin and.motion as many. Now, if the source core point of spin is not localised in time-space, but is the zero-point at the core of your heart. that spins your soul into your cellular structure, in relational motion to others in the same zero point spin, this is a. circuitry of truth that engages a stability far beyond any individual body. The source core is truth and the stability of your circuitry moves through all never separate. Truth, freedom, motion.

What is real in a web of lies… how do you know what is true, what is real, when the intricacy of the lies are well spun and fundamental to what is considered ‘normal’ human living. What is true freedom in your embodiment and what are the limitations that have been written in, to your cellular and global existence, at every level… Do you notice that you can often see and hear when the adult world is out of integrity, when lies are told, or promises made, when futures are planned and stories are given to you that are not truth. Without knowing how, you can feel when others are out of integrity with a truth that your cells know as fundamental. It is beyond cognitive, and yet your neurology is transparently witnessing the integrity of a situation. Your information processing capacity is functioning differently to the adult world in separation, the old Atari system… consciousness moves through your body at many levels with circuitry far beyond the individual and insular systems of the past. Your body knows a truth of embodiment which exist as integrity - the integrity of a soul into a body - and this is where we begin to know real truth and freedom. Here is the integrity of many souls into many bodies existing the same circuitry and information processing - across many smartphones and devices - no longer limited to the separate model. A separate soul into a separate body accesses information through its separate filters, belief systems and imprints, the lens of separation, processing a world from a referent of separate, can believe anything it wants - blue pill - and stay blind to the wider consciousness of planetary existence and evolution. Your systems don’t run the same way at all.. a unified processing capacity, gives you access to truth as embodied through many many in the same source circuitries and in the earth body circuitry. A vast body with circuitry that knows each other as not separate and in unity together hold a higher coherency and integrity of embodiment. Earth, humanity, future, evolution, creation, certainty.

How easy is it to call the bullshit today? To know when you are being lied to, or the story is not real, the behaviour is out of integrity and the humanity of a situation is missing. How easy is it to see with transparency through the non truth? How many social studies essays are you asked to write on the same fight for freedom, slavery, subjugation and domination, Black Lives Matter. Of course they matter! Where are you in the stand, the posture, on the back foot or the front… are. you merely a human reproduction that will blindly continue a lineage of destruction and hatred and needs to be taught not to make the same mistakes? Or do you see from the consciousness of who you are as embodied in this world, that knows truth in your cellular circuitry, where there are no differences between people of any race, culture, religion, etc.. there is no separation that justifies abuse of any kind, and this knowing is beyond the moral ethical global responsibility or fight for freedom, it is simply not part of the consciousness of who you are, who you have come to be and how you will engage in this world and create the future. The many as one circuitry is one that knows themselves as many.. as you do through the interwoven nature of your identity, it is a higher level embodiment through unified architecture and circuitry and it functions at higher integrity as and of the entire body. You are not a separate soul into a separate body, an Atari processing the world that is perceived to be outside of itself, compartmentalised and separate, always protecting and seeking to survive, often at the cost of other. Yours is a different system, embodiment architecture and circuitry that processes the world never. separate, you know yourself through other, through the earth body as part of your body, the circuitry of same embodied truth that exists through other engages your core heart in recognition of yourself.

And what is the weight you bear, carrying the weight of the world at this time, an earth poised for destruction, revealing the innate capacity of humanity to destroy. And you are passenger on a fast ride towards the end of the road…. How do you carry the lineage of the destruction of the past on your shoulders, how do you stand and hold this burden? And precisely here, there is a recognition in your embodiment, unspoken and unacknowledged, that you have come into this world to play a different game, by different rules, not merely to carry this inevitable destruction through to its devastating end, but a different trajectory, a different life lived and a new future formed. You know it in the circuitry of your body, your core spin, in the bones and blood of who you are, you know it in the neurology of many, in all. those. exiting the same operating system, running the same unified information processing, those who know the same. that you know, who meet you in the. truth of your embodiment and what this means for your together future. Stability of this circuitry in a world of instability. A certainty. in this circuitry in. a world of uncertainty. You. see. and the world through. its fundamental dualities, all that is and is not truth, both… all that. is and is not freedom, all. that. is and is not integrity… these are the embodiment circuitries in which. you stand, in which you posture and carry. yourself in the world, beyond the lineage of fight, power, greed, domination and destruction, there is truth in your embodiment and there is freedom to embody.

Through these unified circuitries, you can create a future beyond carrying the weight of the past, free from the inevitable destruction that has defined your history. Here you can exist as a body of humanity that knows itself in integrity and freedom, that builds a future on this foundation… here is where you stand in all that you know is true. Your body. Your embodiment, Your truth. Your future.