Infinite Playground Series Part 4 The Homecoming

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Infinite Playground Series Part 4 The Homecoming


Part 4 of The Infinite Playground Series - The Homecoming

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This series includes 20 session recordings that continue the deep, visceral exploration of the human body as part of the physical structure within an Infinite Playground of consciousness-in-action

It offers a complete physical journey through the Home steps, providing practical and direct information into how your body receives and understands Home information. This exploration guides you through the Infinite Playground, where we come to know ourselves at true soul level as creational and unified beings engaged in creational and unified action.

These Recordings form part 4 of the Infinite Playground Series.

They are the Homecoming Sessions

They include the following session recordings

  • The Homecoming

    “it's interesting to move through the heart core point where there is never home and where we have traversed through the never home, ever home and a heart core in its point of return home. The loop, return the creation loop, source, loop, return home to complete the loop, to come home…”

  • Home to Home Circuitry

    “as these circuits come online there is a point of never lost, which enfolds the ever-lost of Home….it has a whole different left hand side of the body. It has a different heartbeat. It has a left hand side heart…. it has a left hand side breath”.

  • Child Session

  • Infinite Playground

    “we're looking at the geometry, we're looking at the pieces that are coming together that are not components…but a fundamental non separate aspects of a whole. that are union and unity in the loop back to the earlier audio series….

    Zero point unity. Zero point universal unity. Zero point non-duality.. And the themes that we have moved through from core to core that are generative, that are infinite, that are non duality,”

  • What do I want

    “…. the referent point changes the neurology simply. To sit in the referent point and be in action. Whether that action is going out and making a cup of tea, whether that action is going for a walk on the beach, whether that action is creating a whole new business empire. It doesn't matter. The action is in the, in motion. Currency is in motion as it actions. The currency- action, action-currency. It all becomes a singular point.”

  • Home as Design

    “…. now we're going to look at the home core, where home as in body and home as in earth is the same point.”

  • Child of Now

    “when understanding the I am, we're looking at different levels of the being in the body from personal to universal. So the I am at a personal level and the I am at a universal level. The I am at different levels of embodiment and as each level of embodiment is fulfilled Actualized. Then the I am changes….. so the reference point is from the I am is from the level of function of body. It's from the level of embodiment. It's from the level of spirit-matter, architecture…physics….biology.”

  • The Creation

    “What is it that is being revealed? What is the tapestry showing? In weave, in creational motion, to weave material form, to create the matter of life, the matter of body, the matter of existence, the material of this earth human form. What is it that is being shown to us…..that is on the table that was not there… that we could not see before… that we could not choose?. ………And now we can. What is the can? “

  • The Human Body

    Let's look at the human body. The body is a vast system of many levels of communication, many signals, input, output, communication, looking at body levels in the blood, looking at biochemistry, looking at neurology, looking at cell to cell communication, synapse, synapses. Biochemical, Neurological, Electrical, Communication, Neuron to neuron, cell to cell. All of the complexity of how this body functions in every moment, in every second. The rich biochemistry, the rich blood, DNA, chromosomal information. The functioning biophysics, the functioning neurology, hormonal systems, base systemic systems, quantum physics of every cell, quantum particle, cell function, the absolute exquisite nature of this bio-form”

  • Human Body Now

    The information (of Home) is telling us a story we can learn to listen to in every moment. It's a story we can taste, we can touch, we can, we can hear, we can know. In the detail, in the fabric. Why this experience? Why this person? Why these words? Why this trigger? Why this emotional response? Why this fall? Why this trip? Why this accident? Why this hurt? Why this pain? Why this grief? Why this longing? Why this love? Why this vision? Why this view? Why this body information? Simply body information at all levels

  • Fabric

    “ We're going to look at freedom as a fundamental aspect of fabric, as precision, as what we refer to as perfection. And where the measure or the understanding of this is in the intricacy and complexity of the fabric. And the fabric being that which is woven through time, space and dimension. Each thread of consciousness, each fibre, each strand, as it is woven together to form the fabric of existence, the fabric of the body, the fabric of a moment, the way that a moment comes together, all of the, all of the information in any given moment, in any experience,

  • Meet Me Bigger

    “Meet me bigger. Meet me beyond the edges and the boundaries, beyond the separation you shrink into. Meet me bigger where you know no bounds. Meet me where we know the same known in the same moment of timeless time where we touch. Beyond thought, beyond figuring out, beyond the A to B linearity of all thought, of all cognitive, of all evaluating what is okay and what isn't, beyond evaluating what to do, because…. because: consequences, because: linearity, because: unsafe, because: survival, because: X and Y and Z, because: X then Y. Meet me bigger. Meet me where there is no X and Y, where there is no figuring out the route from A to B. Meet me bigger. Beyond a concept of some intangible consciousness of what it is to be bigger.

  • Body of Home

    “Let's think about home. Let's reference home. Let's feel what it is to be home. Let's look at an understanding of home from a core reference, and then just take a moment to see where you went when I said ‘let's think about home’. What is it? What is the point that you go to? What is the location? What is the time space? Where does that term take you? It may be one place, it may be many. What is the human referent of home? Where do you go to automatically when the word home is opened up?

  • The Maps of Home

    "...the pathway home, the ara, the pathway, the pathway home that is coded in the blood, or the pathway home that was originally coded in the blood. Where humans were designed with the pathway held in the blood, in the code, to know home, to return home, to begin from home, and to return to, in full loop."

  • I AM Home

    " ...the body of home, home that is coded in the body, the body of home, the I am home in the body, the I am home of the body. There's no personal in this referent. The 'I AM Home' is the all-homes. The 'I am the body of home' is the body of all homes of all beings. It's not divisible. It's not compartmentalized"

  • Practical : Embodiment Check-in

    this audio is a check in to see where your personal is sitting, to see where your embodiment story is throughout this series, to be the observer of yourself and in the observation to understand how the personal embodiment story is turned inside out into the universal. And how the universal is the personal.

  • Practical: Body Observation Check-in

    So how is this looking on a day to day basis? Where is the observation of the body that happens throughout the day, that happens in the morning wake up routine, in the stretches, in the breakfasting, socializing, in the working? In the exercising, where is the body in meet of this information? And where is the body moving from a different core”

  • Seeing The View

    "The view is from not having entered into, into the fallen version of the game. There is an access point into the matrix from not having been trapped within it. It's a free entry point. It's like entering the game, but knowing the rules...."

  • The View of the Map

    "... the map that exists in the child's body, in all of these children as one body. This is the wider body. This is where the information comes from. This is where the templated information informs the cells of the individual body, lifts other into their form, lifts other. A template that is fallen, that has lost information simply, that has existed in time and space with information that's been lost and corrupted and lifts that, reinforms it from their body, from their core, from their template."

  • The Infinite Playground - Knowing Who We Are

    "... the infinite playground is about life as an infinite playground and understanding all the dynamics that have held life as human in this human form at a template, a denatured template level in a finite cell, imprisoned within walls, unseen walls and limits and ceilings, in a universal matrix that holds us.... And to deconstruct and dismantle through the zero point of the body, of the work, the body of the children... to move beyond those limits, to move beyond the edges and the walls and the finite boundaries. To move beyond that which has been lost because we can see. And we can see. From a cell that is not entrapped."

  • Creational

    ".. as we end the course, we come back to the same fundamental truth: the quantifiable reality that each and every person standing in the core zero point of the body of the child in this moment will have access to the same information as the child. The precise same information in the precise same moment giving the precise same currency of action at a creational level in this human creation."

There is one additional recording of a child session which is on the album (2(a)). This session was done in precise timing after the second recording of this series and can be found on the album.

Once you have completed your payment, you can download the files for a 24 her period. If you would like access after this period through the website please send an e mail request to to receive an access password for your recordings.

Click here to access the entire set of recordings for The Infinite Playground Series Section 4 The Homecoming using the password provided.

These follow on from the Generative Body Articles which are in the e book, available to purchase as a product on the website or as part of a package with the Infinite Body Series 1

The Generative Body e book includes the following chapters:

  • Generative Body

  • Generative is a Choice

  • A New Currency

  • Bio-integrity

  • Child of Now

This written information forms the basis for the Infinite Playground Series.

The Infinite Playground Series Part 1 Generative recordings include the following recorded sessions:

  • Generative

  • Generative referent

  • Time

  • Infinite Waveform

  • Reflections Through experience

The Infinite Playground Series Part 2 Bio-Integrity Includes the folloiwing recorded sessions

  • Biological Capacity

  • Visceral Expression

  • Biological Articulation of Home

  • The Step

  • Step Check-in

  • Beyond Fluid Destruction

  • Currency

  • All the Time in the World

The Infinite Playground Series (Part 3 - Home) include the following recorded sessions:

  • Home to Home Step

  • Home Information

  • Home Step as Infinite Playground

  • Ever Home

  • Home Cellular Conversation

  • Home Step Ever-Met

  • Earth Home Step

  • Step In Non-Duality

  • Incarnational Loops

  • Step Revealed

  • Future Ancestors