Infinite Playground Series Part 2 Bio integrity Generative Membership Price


Infinite Playground Series Part 2 Bio integrity Generative Membership Price


Part 2 of The Infinite Playground Series - The stretch out and breathe

8 recording sessions that are visceral sessions through the Infinite Playground geometry.

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These Recordings form part 2 of the Infinite Playground Series.

They are the Stretch Out and Breathe.

The Infinite Playground Series (Part 2 - Bio Integrity) include the following recorded sessions:

  • Biological Capacity,

    “…we are becoming articulate of that knowing, of the body experience, and of the information, the detail in the body. And this is very much about the information. What is the information in the cell?

    What is the information in the body? Being articulated here. What is it in reveal of? What is the detail?”

  • Visceral Expression

    “Look at, look at where the physiology is telling the story. Beyond an interpretation of sickness, of symptom…. Beyond, oh I've got a cold or I've got a flu or I'm feeling really sick….Look at the symptomology, look at the expression, look at the articulation, look at the fluid membrane that was held into, and the time aspect of that… the units of time”,

  • Biological Articulation of Home

    “……looking at where we are in generative and where we are moving in through all of the membranes and where the bio-integrity is starting to reveal in information as biological articulation. And there is a push pull that you can feel through in and out of the membranous tissue. It's like where we are held into…. a belief in our own safety”

  • Step 1

    “…We're going to start to look at the infinite playground, from the place that all these generative audios are speaking from and to. And where this is a step from that core, where this is a first step from a generative core, where we step into the world as it is from generative, as it is from the generative heart, from the generative beat, from the currency of non loss, from emotion beyond safety, unsafety.”

  • Step Check-in

    “We can't step into generative without seeing that which has been degenerative. We cannot step outside the walls of the prison if we do not see that there has been walls that have been entrapping and holding us into limitation.”

  • Fluid Beyond Destruction

    “….The point where the information is in new articulation. So the body is receiving, processing, translating and articulating information that is new, that has not been known and yet somewhere is deeply known. So we're in and unfamiliar and all of the information As it is received by the body, processed and expressed as output by the body, is in a different circuit.”

  • Currency

    “the norm is to be in loss, the norm is to be born indebted, enslaved in loss. and , there's a deep and intricate story behind that. But the simple point is that to exist in loss is the normal state of being human. And so we have normalized that loss and perpetuate the loss and, and believe in our own loss….. “ “Our definition of health, our definition of happy, our definition of free, our definition of financially fluid, our definition of whether we're okay or not is measured through how we manage our loss. And then when we're looking at ourselves through time, we're looking at a reference of loss. how much loss”….. “our zero point heartbeat as generative is the same beat. It's the same point. It's the same time. So in effect, it's timeless. That core zero point heartbeat is timeless. It's not in currency loss”.

  • All the Time In the World

    “what is it to stretch out into time where there is a timelessness, there is All the time in the world, there is an infinite currency that exists beyond the limits of time as we know it, as we measure it, as we hold it, as we manage it, beyond our management strategies and our measures of existence in time.”

Once you have completed your payment, you can download the files for a 24 her period. If you would like access after this period through the website please send an e mail request to to receive an access password for your recordings.

Click here to access the entire set of recordings for The Infinite Playground Series Section 2 BioIntegrity using the password provided.

These follow on from the Generative Body Articles which are in the e book.available to purchase as product on the website or as part of a package with the Infinite Body Series 1

The Generative Body e book includes the following chapters:

  • Generative Body

  • Generative is a Choice

  • A New Currency

  • Bio-integrity

  • Child of Now

This written information forms the basis for the Infinite Playground Series.

The Infinite Playground Series (Part 1 Generative) recordings include the following recorded sessions:

  • Generative

  • Generative referent

  • Time

  • Infinite Waveform

  • Reflections Through experience