Infinite Playground Series Part 3 Home


Infinite Playground Series Part 3 Home


Part 3 of The Infinite Playground Series - The Home Step

11 recording sessions that are continuing the visceral sessions through the Infinite Playground geometry.

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These Recordings form part 3 of the Infinite Playground Series.

They are the Home Step.

The Infinite Playground Series (Part 3 - Home) include the following recorded sessions:

  • Home to Home Step

    “…But there is a new point right now where we can access that home information in a now currency as in the bodies of the babies that are born now. Where that home information is in its origin without destruction. The origin point of home in non destruction. The origin point of home that is ever home.”

  • Home Information

    “A universal human code exists in its potential in this bioform. In these bodies, this biology, this is what we are made for. To integrate, to synthesize, to bring home all of the home information. To bring it into the body. ”,

  • Home Step as Infinite Playground

    “…… this is an experiential step. So this is where we. Look at that information, experience the detail. We look at how that feels in detail in our body, this articulation, this infinite playground of full articulation, full information, full home access, full space, time and dimensional access to all points of all information through space, time and dimension from a zero point”

  • Ever Home

  • “…There is an ever-beat that is the constant knowing of a return home. The constant knowing of home as rest, as heart, as beat, as pulse, as ignition, as arrival. It is the beginning point and the end point…..”

  • Home Cellular Conversation

    “What is our motion? How does this day begin? What does the sunrise bring? What is the day? In reveal of what does the body want to do? What is the physical movement? What is the cellular touch? What is the taste? What are, what are the foods? What are the flavours? Who are the people? What is the conversation?.”

  • Home Step Ever-Met

    “…. The motion of the step, where that information is the same….where it is already in form, it is already in motion, it is already in its creational touch. It does not need to be created as an action in linear time. It doesn't need to be figured out. It doesn't need to be efforted..”

  • Earth Home Step

    “So when we're looking at the earth step and earth as body, step, met, ever met, home human, earth home, home home met. And where there is a nourish in the step, where there is a resource in the step, where there is information in the step, so there is a non duality consciousness in the step, there is non duality currency in the bigger circuitry of the planetary body as the step. So the body knows the body as home.”.

  • Step In Non-Duality

    “ this means…. the information in the body, as home information, meets the earth in the same same. It's the same information, it's the same body. It's met in an ever met step. It means that there is not a point of separation. The body is not meeting an earth which is holding different information or different currency.”

  • Incarnational Loops

    “….many incomings and children in the same zero to zero stitch loop through time as part of a weave of a greater fabric .of us all… the greater weave of the fabric of humanity, the fabric of the star nations, the fabric of the universal existence, stitch loops in time, space, zero to zero, collapsing timelines, rewriting time, space and dimension, rewriting this earth currency body now, rewriting their physicality as human on earth now, rewriting our future now..”

  • Step Revealed

    “ There is a point where there is a non gap at this, in this moment, and that's showing through the stand, through the step, through the information on the step, and what is in reveal in your life, because this is where it will reveal or it won't reveal.

  • Future Ancestors

    So the timelessness of now that knows a future now that has souls incarnating from a point in our future… at a cosmic level …celestial understanding of the cosmos, time, space and dimension, universal time, space, matrix, point, coordinates, point. Think about them as coordinates points that are a point of origin of a soul incarnating in the same way as any soul incarnating except the time points are in Earth's future. So these souls hold information of the coordinates, time, space and dimension forward in time. And being high level souls can be thought of as future ancestors, can be thought of as the ancestors that are coming in from the future to be born now.

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Click here to access the entire set of recordings for The Infinite Playground Series Section 3 Home using the password provided.

These follow on from the Generative Body Articles which are in the e book, available to purchase as a product on the website or as part of a package with the Infinite Body Series 1

The Generative Body e book includes the following chapters:

  • Generative Body

  • Generative is a Choice

  • A New Currency

  • Bio-integrity

  • Child of Now

This written information forms the basis for the Infinite Playground Series.

The Infinite Playground Series Part 1 Generative recordings include the following recorded sessions:

  • Generative

  • Generative referent

  • Time

  • Infinite Waveform

  • Reflections Through experience

The Infinite Playground Series Part 2 Bio-Integrity Includes the folloiwing recorded sessions

  • Biological Capacity

  • Visceral Expression

  • Biological Articulation of Home

  • The Step

  • Step Check-in

  • Beyond Fluid Destruction

  • Currency

  • All the Time in the World